The Gender Genie thinks I’m male. (Via Dave Weinberger) Although if i look at the keyword results it seems to be mainly because I use the word ‘the’ a lot, and also ‘are’. I think I need to go read the report.
The spread of the machine is us/ing us
If you read tech blogs regularly, you’ll have seen this video: A sublime introduction to how the web is changing. Sue Thomas, a wonderful woman I bumped into a Blogher, has a post about her experience at the Web2.0 conference, where she met up with Mike Wesch who explained how it spread: Wesch explained that […]
Simpsons’ Quiz
I don’t really watch the Simpsons, never really got into it. So imagine my surprise with I got over half the questions right on this short BBC quiz put together to ‘celebrate’ their 20 years on the air. The programme is obviously far more insidious than I realised.
A Day of Silence
Ewan is blogging his response to the proposed One Day of Blogging silence In the Great War (1914-18), over nine million people died. To remember them, those who have fallen in the Second World War, and others who have fallen in battle, an annual silence for two minutes is held on the eleventh day of […]
Kosso on Ustream
We’ve had and now the Podtech guys Robert Scoble and Jeremiah Owyang are walking around Web2.0 with their live streaming on Ustream, which is a great way to see the some of the conference without having to do the travel. And Ustream is open for all to stream their life to the web. Kosso, […]
Google Speaker Event – Luiz Barroso
Last week I attended the latest in the NYC Google Speaker event series: “Luiz Barroso, Google Distinguished Engineer, will talk about “Watts, Faults, and Other Fascinating Dirty Words Computer Architects Can No Longer Afford to Ignore”. Luiz was talking about things way beyond my skill or experience but I still got some great insights into […]
Ultimate Frisbee
Eric’s being twittering about Saturday Frisbee for a few weeks now so on Saturday I decided to join in. About a dozen people turned up and had a great game before retiring for celebratory drinks. Bill has a great set which includes some in-action shots as well as just the drinking ones. Here’s on of […]
Cubicgarden visiting
Ian and Sarah Forrester are coming to visit New York at the end of the month, so I thought I’d drag him out to meet some of the New York people. I was in the process of organising an event, but co-incidentally the NextNY Social outing is on the same night so I’ve concluded that […]
WordPress Meetup
Matt and Toni are in town at the moment and had proposed a meetup. After a bit of a mix up (they were late, the attendees all want to the pub, but the long way round) it all sorted itself out and 14 of us sat down at the Heartland Brewery (who gave us a […]
Cheezburger Cats
Sometimes you just have to go and see a site; with I can Has Cheezburger being mentioned twice yesterday, it was time to take a closer look. First of all it was being discussed as one of the extremely successful WordPress blogs at the WordPress meetup and then I got home to see that Tara […]
Urban Planning in Second Life
I love the concept that a Paris residents association is asking members to propose a new design for the redesign of a central part of the city. The association is urging locals to come up with their own ideas for the area’s gardens and post them in the online world of Second Life, where people […]
Blogger Conduct
I’ve read Tim O’Reilly’s Blogger Code of Conduct and agree with a fair few other folk that it is not for me, although it may be perfectly useful for Tim’s sites. I assume these are group written sites, otherwise the use of the Royal ‘we’ is amusing. However Kathy Sierra rightly adds to the comments […]
Future Of Online Advertising
Through a nice opportunity posted on Seth Godin’s blog, I managed to get a ticket for the Future of Online Advertising conference being run by Carson Systems, Having attended their Future of Web Apps day in London last year, I know these guys could put on a good conference, pulling together some top presenters. Looking […]
Podcamp Report
I think you could describe PodcampNYC as a success. Not sure what the post-mortem will bring, but everyone I spoke to seemed to enjoy it. I’ve got sessions to write up and thoughts to process, but in the meantime, just take a read of the CNET piece which has also landed up in the New […]
Tomorrow is Podcamp NYC, an unconference that has grown way beyond that into a monster, with over 1200 registered users. A decision was made pretty early to solicit session proposals and then to schedule them – otherwise there are just far too many going to have it self-organise. Although there is one plan as you […]
Good Friday
This is weird as it is the first Good Friday I’ve worked for years, there’s no 4 day weekends here for religious holidays, just the secular ones to go shopping. I’m going to point you over to Rachel North for a wonderful recollection of days gone by. No memories like that for me, just a […]
Vidmeter Report on Copyrighted videos
Vidmeter, a company I have written about before have produced an excellent analysis of videos removed by copyright owners from YouTube. The report can be found on their News page. In just over 3 months, they tracked the top viewed videos on the site, totaling 6,725 videos. Of these, they found that on 621 videos […]
ORG Party and Raffle
Next week, the ORG are holding a party, to help build membership. If you in town (the town in question being London), go along and bring a friend who is not a member – get them to join!. As well as the great party, they are holding a raffle – and you do not have […]
Serenity the best Sci-fi film
Serenity has topped a poll from SFX magazine of the best sci-fi films. Given the strong and extremely well organised fan-base, I wonder how many votes they managed to encourage?
Blogher Business Roundup
For the ease of sending this link around at work, I’m pulling together all the links I have from this conference to make it easier for me! (thanks for an email from elise for these) My Notes from A brief history of Social Media plus notes from the same session from Mir over at Blogher […]