Weeknotes: 2024w50

  • It’s a new job! I have convinced my Mom that I don’t need a new pencil case (or at least the adult equivalent of new work clothes) sorted out the travel and arrived at the office at the same time as the rest of the team. In this case I travelled the night before as more cost effective; I’ve booked the early morning train for next week.
  • It’s primarily a remote team, with some in London but others spread around the country. For the core team, there’s an expectation that they will be at an office around 2 days a week, either the one in London or at Farnham. It’s seen as a day to connect and collaborate. For me, as a new start, it’s an opportunity to meet people and to start building the relationships I’m going to need to deliver this role. Wednesdays tend to be London day; I’ve got split responsibility across both sites, so I think I’ll be pushing for Tuesdays as the Farnham day for at least my team
  • I’ve stepped into a role that has been vacant for a while, so my main task at the start is to read the notes, talk to the team and start to pull together what is needed for the day to day.  It also means that I am being handed my 2025 Deliverables without any input. These have been built out of the long term strategic plan over the last couple of months and will get approved next week at the Board Meeting. Based on what I currently know (only 3 days of reading and talking) they’re all achievable.
  • This is probably the quietest time of the year to join the team, giving me the opportunity to read a lot and frame the role and the challenges faced without having to immediately jump in and deliver on tasks. I’m sure this will change in the new year!