Yesterday I received my first order from ocado, the online supermarket. Looking through what I had received, I found that I’m obviously ignorant of what I actually buy when walking round a supermarket and do much of it out of habit. many of the sizes were just wrong, either too small (beans, oil) or too […]
Independent Review
I was reading the Independent this evening andm in amongst other site reviews, was a favourable write up of BoingBoing. Unfortunately the URL printed AND the screenshot was from the mispelt ad page BoinBoing. Did the editor even wonder why there was such an enthusiastic write-up for something that appeared to be nothgin so dull?
BL Ochman led me to today, an interactive blog book (referred to as a blook, which is a poor name). The murder mystery story is just starting, and will spread itself across the blog, a wiki, a website and a discussion forum. The storyalso has the potential to go its own way on the […]
Powers of Observation
On the train home, I usually sit in the same part, right at the front. At the station I get off, the exit to the station is opposite the front of the train and I just like getting straight off and on my way. As at Waterloo, the platform entrance is at the back of […]
Talk Like a Pirate
It’s International Talk Like a Pirate Day, so you’re supposed to talk like a pirate all day – like this Savage Chickens cartoon. However, I subscribe to the theory that not all pirates were linguistically challenged and will continue to talk (and type) normally…;o). Update…Cap’n Scaramouch comments about me not getting into the spirit of […]
I’m at Podcastcon UK, listening to a series of speakers about this media. I was going to write some of the talks up, but Lloyd is doing a great job, so i’ll leave it to him. PodcastconUK
One Note
I went to purchase OneNote today for my Tablet; I’ve been using the trial version for the last few months and decided i would buy it. But Microsoft won’t let me – because I am not in the US/Canada I cannot purchase on line direct from but have to a different vendor. And all I […]
Job Hunting
I’m currently looking for another job, which is interesting as I realise I have never had to do it properly before. The recent resolution of the long-running re-organisation in the company has been a catalyst in me taking a look at where I am. Given I have been in the same company for 14 years, […]
Interaction and Trust
Nicole Simon is over in London, visiting PodcastConUK. A little difficulty with a lost purse lead to her needing a small loan, so after she’d dried out from walking through the wonderful wet London autumnal weather we got together for a meal and a chat. Thinking about the situation in my half-asleep haze this morning, […]
Search and Message
I tried out a couple of new tools the last 2 days. The first is Google Blog search and the second is an alpha of an online messenger client. Google Blog Search has the same characteristics as the rest of the company’s products, a nice clean interface, simple to use, same presentation of results as […]
Juicy Fruit Sucks
The Juicyfruit website epitomises everything I dislike about consumer sites. All flash based, poor navigation, unwanted sounds, no information and jumping on whatever bandwagon is currently hot, in this case blogs, a word that poorly describes the blurb that lists all the ways the the product ‘helps’ someones life. Finding out what the product is […]
Annoying Milestone
This blog is passed a milestone today; only 10 months old and it’s had over 10000 spam trackbacks and comments blocked by MT Blacklist. (and that doesn’t count the ones that get through before I ban them) I hate them all
Round up 13 Sept
The news over the last few days has been about some nice large purchases. From a corporate PoV, Siebel being bought by Oracle is big news, a consolidation of CRM services. In other web stuff, eBay buying Skype is not something I read anywhere, but I can see the synergy – the market comes to […]
Web on TV
Often TV shows have accompanying websites; of they are good they add value to the show, a good exmaple being the Lost site that I looked at hte other week. In some cases, a brand puts up a site that supports their sponsorship of a TV programme; my emplyer has done this is the US […]
Young Ones meet Casualty
OK, slight worrying moment when I realised that Adrian Edmundson, who is fixed in my mind as an ‘alternative commedian’ from the Eighties, from The Young Ones, Bottom and the Comic Strip and other such progammes is playing a serious role on Holby City. I’m sure he’s done serious stuff over the last few years, […]
A week in Scotland
A lot of photos were taken last week; they’re all up on Flickr and also photoblogged with comments over on this blog. I found it easier to load them up to Flickr and then blog directly from there instead of loading up the images to the server direct, especially as I had little software on […]
Finally back. Benbg outside for most of the day and working longer hours than usual means I’m really tired. Just marked over 2000 posts as read on the aggregator (no chance to catch up with those) and need to admin for the rest of the day.
Round up 6 Sept
Yesterday was pretty much a write off with connectivity; to day a little better in that I have time to be in the pub and get connected. Far better than Starbucks! And tomorrow, it should get better at the rowing site. Currently, I need to hardwire connect and finding somewhere to sit that is close […]
Scotland Again
Well, I’m going to be in Scotland for the week. Unfortunately the hotel does not have conenction from the rooms. But the pub next door does! So guess where I may be spending a little of my time ;o) I’m here working (sort of) and will be blogging the rowing stuff over a the other […]
Looking for bad news
Instead of celebrating the success of ebay, the BBC interview, of an ebay employee and a women who makes a fair bit of her living from the site, did nothing except focus on the negatives. Every question I heard asked about problems, about fraud, about stolen good. The interviewees did a very good job of […]