The BBC have an article about the recent Flick and Yahoo identify spat. This one has a long way to go; I’m not going to switch again until they have eased the login issues and ensured any changes to ToS are not disadvantageous. Via, hackdiary has an article about a new tool that can […]
New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin gave an interview with WWL-AM, which can be found a HREF=”″>here. He gives a passionate plea for help and slams into the different levels of government he sees as not helping; it ends with both Nagin and hte interview lost for words, sounding as if they are in tears. Even […]
Disasters and Katrina
One of the more compelling blogs about Katrian is Interdictors, who has been blogging from a data centre all week. What was a faily mundane livejournal has been turned into a must read account of the hurricane and the aftermath. Somehow they are geting fuel and supplies though to keep the generator going. The writer […]
I run feed searches on various work related subjects, such as the company and Brand names. The company announced i’s annual results yesterday so I expected something to pop up in the aggregator, with some comments about the compnay fortune. Well, plenty of things did, got around 16 links and the average is about 2 […]
London 2012 again
After the announcement that London had got the 2012 Olympics, a series of celebrations were planned. They never happened; we were bombed and things had to change. But today, there was a little get together in Trafalgar Square. Speeches by Ken Livingston, Tessa Jowell and Seb Coe were followed by Heather Small giving a live […]
We’ve had no airconditioning in the office all week; leading to them, for the first time, opening windows up on the 6th floor here. Fans have appeared but it’s been way too hot in a very hot week. We had a new chller put in the other week – I guess they are having some […]
By general consensus, it’s Blog Day, so here’s a few blogs I read and like, in no particular order. Josie Fraser’s A Girl and A Gun – one of three blogs she runs, this one focuses on movie reviews. Podchef Show: a podcasting chef who runs a blog and has great Flickr Food photos Billy […]
Round Up 31 Aug
It’s been a funny fews days with things all over the place but now I’m getting back on track. I find I can say very little more about Hurricane Katrina; there’s a lot out there. TheTimes-Picayune continues to be published, even if online only, in a life goes on mode. In a weird way the […]
VoIP for the masses
The Metro have an article this morning about VoIP phone services, giving a good rundown on those available in the UK market. Obviously triggered by Google Talk, the key message is that this is a good thing. It goves a brief write up o Skype, Vonage, 056me and BT Communicator. For me, it’s interesting that […]
Gratuitous Blonde Joke
The BBC are reporting that a lorry load of Hydrogen Peroxide crashed and exploded on the M25 in Middlesex. Reports that a group of blondes wearing short skirts and white stillettoes were busy heard to complain about getting the map upside down were dismissed by police. Sorry…sorry, it’s that kind of day.
The Sisterhood of the Travelling Pants
Sometimes, just sometimes, it would be good from companies to do just a little more cross-cultural research. What is going to attract me to a film that is apparently about underwear that can get aeouind on its own?
Unmerged Flickr
With all the problems around the merger of Flickr and Yahoo IDs, Flickr have proved why they have such a fanatical following by unmerging the accounts of anyone who asks. Although you can argue they should have seen this coming (the need to log in continuously is one of reasons I tend to stop using […]
Autumn TV
It’sBank Holiday Weekend , whoch means the BBC/ITV are running previews for the autumn TV. And both are doing exactly the same thing, a 30 second montage of dramatic clips from the new programmes set to uplifting music. So whilst I’m greatful we do not get the US version of never ending trailers for weeks, […]
One of the new plugins from MT is Stylescatcher, a simple way to apply new styles to your blog from a library. There’s a simple interface to ebale style choice andit;s obviously easy to add further libraries. However, for me, it’snot working. On first application, when the style sheet is linked from the default library, […]
The Big Moo
Tech Crunch, one of my favourite blogs for its analysis of new web businesses and applications, is offering copies of Seth Godin’s new book, The Big Moo, as part of the novel marketing scheme. You either need to comment (far too late for that) or trackback – and it looks like there’s still room for […]
MT Upgrade
I upgraded this blog to Movable Type 3.2 this morning, a relatively painless experience for me considering my less than stellar understanding of how these things work. I usually end up asking for help! Despite a few issues over file permissions (I never get these right) and having to install a patch for Blacklist, eveything […]
Google Talk
Google’s Im client is now available for download. The download is tiny, the install is quick and the interface is, as to be expected, nice and clean. As with MSMessenger, it’s tied into the online email account and you need a Gmail account to use it. The same email alerts are avaialable (in fact the […]
Poster Evolution
I’m reading some good posts today. Over at the Blog Herald, a post about the evolutionof bloggers and how, in the last 6 months or so, it’s gone mainstream and the (early) majority are adopting it, moving away from the geeks and the early adopters towards everyone who ever had the need to have a […]
Suw is looking to organise a UK equivalent of the Foo and Bar Camps that tookplace in the US last week. Suggestions for venues so far are London, Cardiff and Edinburgh (what, no-one for Belfast yet?) Go read – and commit to come along.
I;ve been testing Google’s new Desktop Sidebar whaatchamacallit. It looks pretty good so far, all the bits working well; just need FTSE 100, UK weather and a few more UK news soruces ( I see the the BBC somewhere there?) It looks like innovation around web services is increasing. Kottke has a insightful piece […]