There’s an annular solar eclipse today, which will probably not be visible from much of the UK due to cloud. The BBC are again requesting everyone’s photos, a cheap way to get photo stock as well as incuding people. Meanwhile you can watch the eclipse over the web, instead if damaging your eyes, via various […]
Dilbert and Blogging
Dilbert continues to include the world of blogging in strips, today’s being timely with the recent sacking of a publicist for blogging about her work
ReStyle time
I’ve been playing around with the templates and the style-sheet for the blog. So now, hopefully, the layout works in IE. and the colours are a little warmer. I’ll probably continue to mess around for a few days.
Snippets 1 Oct
Audi branching out on BlogAds. For a recent award winning campaign, Audi spent 0.5% of their media spend on a Blog Ad promotion. This led to 29% of the visits on the campaign homepage, which is a pretty astounding number. For me, it shows the use of blogs as an advertising channel can tighten the […]
Fnd all you need on the web?
Bosch don’t think you should be able to. My dishwasher is having trouble as the water has stopped draining out of it. I can;t find the brouchure to give me some ideas, but no problems I though, it’ll be on the web. Searching for Bosch and diswwaher led me, after a few false click, to […]
Economist reporting
The Economist produces a Technology supplement quarterly. In the most recent edition you find a couple of overview articles about user-generated content and tagging; good introductory articles aimed at another type of reader than would normally take a look at this stuff. Even if they are trying for the tabloid-type headlines with “Websites of Mass […]
Blogging Changing Lives
Via Problogger, a story of how blogging can impact lives. By updating an ad format, a blogger increased her daily income by nearly 400% wh5ch has the potential to really change her life (coming off benefits, etc). So here’s a story of what appears to be an ‘average person’ (who’s not a hairdresser) not only […]
Observer Blog Closes down
I see the Observer Blog, one of my favourites, is shutting down indefinitely. A shame, it was always intersting and had a different take on the news.
Google Moonbase
In the unusual situation of an April Fools joke taking a step towards reality, Iread that Google has teamed up with NASA to co-operate in areas such as IT solutions, data management and nanotechnology. This includes such things as remote sensors – are they going to be doing a survey for the new base on […]
Search for ideas
PSFK (a blog I occassionally contribute to) are supporting a ‘speed-investment’ session (like speed dating, but to get money instead of a night out!). If you have a great idea looking for funding, take a look at the details.
Ethan Zuckerman documents a Jimmy Wale talk, looking at 10 things that will become free over the next 10-25 years, as in free of licensing, freely available, free to use, mix and repurpose. But these things won’be become free of their own accord, it will take time and effort from volunteers who get involved. To […]
Terry Pratchett’s new novel Thud! is out. Always a dab hand at satire, the Discworld takes eveyday objects and gives them a twist. So now we have the imp-powered Dis-Organizer Mark 5. It’s imp powered because the world does not really do technology, but tather technomancy, using magic. (Joke spoilers coming if you read his […]
ERP meets Wiki
Interesting to see that SAP, in my experience a large, process-driven, intricateand at times unwieldy piece of enterprise software, has invested in SocialText. SAP’s current offerings are what I would call the most malleable when it comes to sharing qualitative information across a workforce, so it would be great if they could offer a less […]
Dog Blogs…
..or something like that ;o). Via the BBC, DDB London* have conducted a poll about the ‘average’ persons** knowledge of new terms, iincluding blogging, podcsting and broadband. “Our research not only shows that there is no buzz about blogging and podcasting outside of our media industry bubble, but also that people have no understanding of […]
Renting DVDs
I signed up for Amazon’s DVD rental service at the weekend. SO far, so good. Set up a list on Sunday, desptched on Monday and arrived Tuesday. I guess the test wil come on the return and turnaround time, but feedback fromothers is that the service is good. It was fun settingup the list, going […]
Arms Destruction
The IRA have decommissioned its arms. But I have a question – exactly how does one destroy 3 tonnes of Semtex? Apart from the obvious and surely that big a bang would have been noticed?
Web 2 Memes
An O’Reilly meme map taken from discussions at Foo camp can be found here. Nothing new I would say, but it brings it together nicely. Interesting that a diagram that lists the ‘Right to Remix – some rights reserved’ as one of the memes is published with all rights reserved.
Following up on my Rude Britain post, YesButNoButYes actually finds pictures of some of the place as well as pointing to the full list. The British Library project Turning the Pagesâ„¢. Is just wonderful. Works are filmed, turned into 3D repesentations and presented virtually. You view the original publications, interacting with them, and can listen […]
Rude Britain
From Rude Britain, a book by Rob Bailey and Ed Hurst, here’s what they consider the top 10 rudest place names in Britain. The authoirs have listed 100 real places, taken photos of the the place signs and done some research into the origins of the name – whilst maintaining a well-honed sense of humour. […]
Professional Podcasting
I’m still writing up my notes from Podcastcon, but in the ever accelerating increased in the podcasting journey, I see (via Business Week) that you can now hire professionals to do your ‘cast for you.