Why is that Twitter usually has the numbers on the Left hand side of the image and then when I press refresh, or update a message, the ‘people’ changes to ‘Followers’ and the number changes? Update: And a few hours after I write this, they update the interface and it’s no longer wonky. We no […]
Save Net radio
Today, the US web lies quiet in a protest day to Save Net Radio The future of Internet radio is in immediate danger. Royalty rates for webcasters have been drastically increased by a recent ruling and are due to go into effect on July 15 (retroactive to Jan 1, 2006!). To protest these rates and […]
Social Networks and Class
danah boyd has posted a thoughts-in-progress study on class divides in the US youth use of social networks, looking at the different behaviours and cultural expectations of users of Facebook and MySpace. Over the last six months, I’ve noticed an increasing number of press articles about how high school teens are leaving MySpace for Facebook. […]
MySpace Support Time
After my little problem on MySpace a couple of weeks ago, I finally got back a response to the Report Abuse emails I get, a boiler plate response that tells me to block the offender. So why bother reporting in the first place? In contrast to this, take a look at the Flickr support process, […]
Flickr and Censorship
Flickr have been having a rough ride lately when it comes to claims of censorship. From the introduction of filters to the banning from China and today additional filters in 4 countries based on local Terms of Service. As a product, I love Flickr, I’ve never had any issues with it. But the reality of […]
Mahalo now for you too
Jason Calacanis’ new search engine Mahalo expands today, with Mahalo Greenhouse. You can apply to be a ‘part-time guide’, submit search entries and get paid for doing so, $10-15 but only if you are a US citizen or permanent resident. I’m neither but still work and pay taxes in the US – so I think […]
MySpace design
Take a look at this MySpace profile from Alan Marchman to see what you can do with the system if you really try hard. (thanks David)
NY Tech Meetup
I went along to the NY Tech meetup last night and had a good time. Five short presentations from companies in the NY area, plus a couple of extras from James Hing of Hot or Not (who I also met with on Monday at an IAB event) and Dave Weinberger who gave a 10 minute […]
Do you speak kitteh?
The Globe and Mail, the Toronto paper, had a lovely piece on Thursday about the rise of kitteh, the ‘language’ found on the lolcatz images and the derivatives that have sprung up. Unfortunately I left the paper in the hotel and it’s behind a paywall on the site, although the article does appear to be […]
The cats are in on it
I was going to write a post explaining the background to this, but Ethan has done a brilliant job doing just so and it’s pointless to repeat why this number has raised such passions. For much of yesterday, almost the whole of the front page of Digg was related to the HD-DVD story, triggered by […]
B5Media Growth
A nice piece over at Chitika Blog, where Jeremy Wright, President/CEO of B5 Media talks about how the network developed and some lessons learnt. He discusses the 4 key things that could be regarded as the company mission statement: 1. Make our bloggers famous รขโฌโ every chance we got we wanted to promote our bloggers […]
My Telegraph
Via Adam Tinworth, I see that the Telegraph is launching a new service, called My Telegraph. Y My Telegraph allows any reader to create their own blog, store all the comments they make on other readers’ blogs and save articles to read later. Version one of the site, which you can see below, will be […]
Flickr and Upcoming connection
I’ve never seen this before, a Flickr photo with an upcoming event tag. Sheila added these tags manually. But as they are both now on the same login, I guess it can be done automatically now…wonder if we will see this?
TV news of the future
I like Dave Winer’s idea for how TV news may evolve, allowing you to choose what you want to watch. He’s made a mock up here. Let me choose what stories I want to here and, more importantly, when I want to stop hearing about stuff. There comes a point when there is no new […]
Google tracks everything
Google today launches its Web History feature that allows you to track your all your web activity with the simple addition of a Google account and the Google Toolbar. So you will now give even more of your life to the engine that is out to know everything about you, with your web history, your […]
Gender Genie
The Gender Genie thinks I’m male. (Via Dave Weinberger) Although if i look at the keyword results it seems to be mainly because I use the word ‘the’ a lot, and also ‘are’. I think I need to go read the report.
The spread of the machine is us/ing us
If you read tech blogs regularly, you’ll have seen this video: A sublime introduction to how the web is changing. Sue Thomas, a wonderful woman I bumped into a Blogher, has a post about her experience at the Web2.0 conference, where she met up with Mike Wesch who explained how it spread: Wesch explained that […]
The Commercialisation of Twitter
Update – Twitterati was an April fool (sort of). With utter predictability and inevitability, commercial interests invade Twitter. When first showed it to colleagues some of them were asking questions about how to market on it, others were just generally fascinated. But now we are getting into the real activity. First of all we see […]
Justin.tv – Voyeurism to the extreme
Justin.tv is the latest attempt to show a life on camera. Whereas before the webcams were tied to the PC, tied to the line but digital and mobile prices have dropped enough to make this a viable option. 24 hours a day, Justin wears a camera on his hat and streams his life to the […]
Twitter – A study
This is a tale of Twitter, about what it is, what it does, what people think about and what people have done with it. It’s more of a case study, pulling together lots of posts and articles out there already. Yes, I could use a bookmarking tool to collect them, but I need to put […]