A few weeks ago, I had an email from one of the community managers for Zomato, who had recently bought Urbanspoon. They were looking to have a quick catch up to talk to me about the take over and discuss what it could mean to me, as a blogger. I wouldn’t call myself a food […]
Twitter: Verification or Validation
There’s no doubt there is a lot of harassment on Twitter. The pseudonymous nature of the open platform creates an environment where random bullying can be become the norm, especially in certain spheres. This isn’t the fault of Twitter, the reasons go far deeper into society than one platform, but it is a mirror into […]
SMW:Wimbledon and IBM
Another session from Social Media Week London, this one social media, Wimbledon and their partnership with IBM. Alex Willis (Wimbledon) In 2011 the Wimbledon team set out a 3 year plan to improve their digital experience. At the time they had started to engage on social, with 300k FB fans and 150k Twitter followers. They […]
SMW London: Alex Balfour and the Digital Olympics
It’s Social Media Week and I’ve managed to squeeze in enough time to head out to a few events in and around London. Given how many sessions at the Games I managed to get to, it was only fitting that the first session this week was to hear about the Olympics and how they worked […]
Gamecamp, The Upgrade and London Bloggers
I’ve been out and about the the few days…a Gamecamp was held at the weekend, then I went to a book reading and finally another installment London Bloggers Meeting Gamecamp 4 The fourth round of Gamecamp, it had, according to the numbers I totted up, 225 people passing through its doors, the largest ever. My […]
SXSW – Christopher Poole
founder of 4chan. founded in 2003 as an image sharing community, for Japanese comics.cartoons/anime. A chatroom with 20. Now 12m visitors monthly. no registration. no archive. ideas – it’s about survival of the fittest. what resonates, stays on the board. Community flows over a day; the culture changes. to start a topic you need to […]
SXSW – Tony Hsieh and Zappos
At Zappos.com, Tony Hsieh has fostered a culture where extraordinary customer service is the norm. On Saturday, March 14, hear him talk about how good deeds can help you leverage the power of your audience to massively extend your brand. As a preview, you can read this story for a glimpse of a company that […]
SXSW – Is Privacy Dead
While many assert that "privacy is dead," the complex ways in which people try to control access and visibility suggest that it’s just very confused. Rather than throwing the baby out with the bath water, let’s discuss people’s understanding and experiences of privacy and find ways to 2.0-ify it. danah boyd Researcher, Microsoft ResearchJudith Donath […]
Twitter: I don’t care
This post has been sitting in draft for nearly 2 weeks now. It’s been added to and written about in different moods and moved around and pondered upon. It may not make cohesive sense but it’s time to bite the bullet and publish!!! Obviously, the blog post title, like the cake, is a lie. I […]
London 2012 and Social Media
On the one hand, the Olympics are the most wonderful celebration of humanity, of striving to be the best, faster, higher, stronger as the motto says. On the other hand, I find them – the organisation behind the games – to be one of the most cynical and grasping of organisations, historically prone to corruption, […]
BarCampBrighton and SL connections
Aleks Krotoski talking about the social graph. [missed the start] A social psychologist, trying to examine connections Pathways can be mapped across friends and people. Mass friending…impact the data and how the network connects. there are certain relationships and strengths of relationships. You can technological measure strength but difficult as you get to semantics. Adding […]
Charlene Li and Revolutionaries at SXSW
Charlene Li about the changing of corporations and social media. Examples of the change: the HD DVD key and Digg. Jericho and the peanuts. Shaun Daly was a fan of Jericho drove the change – you had to have something physical that CBS could not ignore. They bought it back, and it’s doing OK. CBS […]
What teens want online and their phones
Anastasia Goodstein brings together a group of teenagers to talk about how they use mobile and the web. they are early adopters but the tech needs to meet core needs. This is atalk with a panel of teens from ages 12-17 What do you like? Goodreads.com, cos a social network site, plus reviews of books, […]
Clipmarks and Forbes
Do I believe what it says in the blogs? This time I hope so – Venture Beat is reporting that Clipmarks is being bought by Forbes. The New York-based startup lets you select text, photos or videos on web pages, then use Clipmark’s bookmarking feature to save the URL and your selected information to your […]
Facebook as the Hotel California
Jen’s pointed out that you can never, ever leave Facebook. You can only deactivate and suspend your account and if you ever want to go back then you just login again. Whilst deactivated, you still can get the emails. I ‘deactivated’ my Facebook account. They do not offer a ‘delete account’ option. Click to enlarge […]
Social Networks and Class
danah boyd has posted a thoughts-in-progress study on class divides in the US youth use of social networks, looking at the different behaviours and cultural expectations of users of Facebook and MySpace. Over the last six months, I’ve noticed an increasing number of press articles about how high school teens are leaving MySpace for Facebook. […]
Cargo Cult Activity
And I should shout out a bit more to Adam Tinworth, someone i shamelessly forgot to mention that I met at Blogher. I’d been reading Adams blog for a while, so when an English gentleman wondered up to the table where Ewan and I were sitting, there was a moment of name recognition when I […]
My Telegraph
Via Adam Tinworth, I see that the Telegraph is launching a new service, called My Telegraph. Y My Telegraph allows any reader to create their own blog, store all the comments they make on other readers’ blogs and save articles to read later. Version one of the site, which you can see below, will be […]
24 Hours of Flickr
Flickr have announced a ‘day in the life of’ project. On 5th May, take your photos, send them to the group, map them, comment on them. Join in the fun and you may get your image published and featured in Flickr Events. One of the things that Flickr is great at, one of its defining […]
Social Media Club NY Mar 27
Jay Rosen (Newassigment.net) talking about Assignment Zero When Tim Berners-Lee designed the web, he created a platform for people to collaborate, so scientists could share data. It is a giant collaboration machine. but it has developed more as a broadcast media, print, tv, cable to web. so what are the consequences for journalism, investigative reporting, […]