I watched 2 completely different spoof videos based on Queen’s Boheemian Rhapsody. The first, via Boing Boing is called Zero Wing Rhapsody; funny lyrics here. The second uses Queen’s original track and is inspired by the British Army’s Amarillo video. The senior service’s (the Navy) video of the whole thing whilst miming the lyrics. Not […]
I want to play – Budget Cars and Blogs
BL Ochman has been working on a new campaign for Budget Car rental,called Up Your Budget, using blogs to power the campaign – a Treasure Hunt across 4 weeks and 16 US cities. That’s US only – therefore I can’t play, although the rules don’t state I need to be resident in the US. A […]
Insurance Questions
I’m refreshing my car insurance and one of the sites (and now I can’t remember which one) had the following list as one of it’s pre-screening questions. These type of questions usually point to increased premiums or people they will not insure – an interesting list putting together professional models and fast food deliverers. – […]
Busy time, busy city
Very busy working and meeting up with people – lots of fun but tiring. Not going to have anytime this trip to do sightseeing or shopping, although a rarely do any shopping when I’m here. Normal service may be resumed later.
Meetings in New York
I met up with Lee Wilkins yesterday in New York, who was here to attend Blogon. By one of life’s strange co-incindences we were in hotels next door to each other. Spent a nice evening tlaking blogging and podcasting and plans for the future (and sucking up the W’s free wifi in the bar!)
Gmail no More – now it’s Google Mail
Google are having to change their domain in the UK due to ongoing legal issues over the gmail name. They have FAQ page up, stating that they are no longer issuing gmail accounts, but have switched to googlemail.com. The question about whether I will have to change domain remains open: # What if I’m a […]
Posting Volumes
Dave Sifry of Technorati has posted his lastest update on the State of the Blogosphere. The company is now tracking 19.6m blogs, the with the trend of a doubling every 5 months appearing to continue; currently 70000 new blogs are created every day. This time, he’s also included details of splogs, showing they are running […]
Visitor Mapping Service
I’ve been trying out a nice little mapping service from gvisit, that puts site visitors on google maps (the mashup map of choice these days) It’s a short term snapshot over a few hours with 20 visitors maximum listed, but it’s more fun for me being visual than reading the list of countries in the […]
A Trip to New York
Back across to New York today for a few days of meetings. Time to sample that wonderful city again and catch up with a few people.
Blog Design Mistakes
Jakob Niekson has published a Top 10 of Blog design mistakes. A must read. Wonder how I do? 1. No Author biography Got one of those – over there on the right. 2. No Author Photo. mmmm – not sure if I want one of those. I’m one of the people in the photo a […]
Lost Property
The BBC are reporting that a Ministry of Defence worker left his gun in a public toilet in Sainsbury’s. What was he doing to take the gun off? And why was it loaded with blanks – what use is a gun loaded with blanks!
Hotel Manners
For our team development sessions, we were lucky enough to go to one of the best hotels in the UK, Cliveden. A wonderful experience, with the added spice of some celebrities staying. (we did eventually get a photo) The service throughout was outstanding; except for some particular fussy behaviour over dinner. Eating as a group, […]
Windows Installation
Yesterday my sister and her husband decided to reinstall Windows 98. All was well, it was working a lot faster and they were happy. Until they rebooted this morning and it asked them for a product key. Which they could not find and did not know it was needed. This resulted in a call to […]
Update: I see they fixed it. To tie in with poster ads, Wonderbra have a site promoting thier new range, experiencewonderyou.co.uk. A nice site, but with the flash navigation it prevents you linking wiithin the site so I could not send someone a direct link about one of the products. I like the rolloever effect […]
Take That Moment
Currently sitting in a hotel lounge after a day’s team building. The hotel is one of the nice country houses that got converted after the war to a hotel. During the day we’ve been disturbed by camera crews filming various people. At one point I stopped to see if I could recognise anyone, only to […]
Bloglines Hotkeys
Bloglines got a new feature this morning – hotkeys. Quicker navigation ;o)
iPods and IM
Apple announce the video iPod. Another toy I wo’;t buy, having still to dip my toes in the water on the Apple stuff. Yahoo and Microsoft are linking their Instant Messengers, in an attempt to improve market share over AOL. Hooray – that reduces the number of clients I need to run to talk to […]
Use of flash
I posted earlier about the Bling my Bomb sit and the agencies decision to use Flash 8. Ashley from Soap commented to explain the decision So far there’s been a 20% visitor rate to the “noflash” page, which is 17% more than usual however the people who visit the app get a better experience. As […]
Girl Geek Dinner 2
I went along to the second Girl’s Geek Dinner last night. About 50 people turned up and, judging by the level of chat, it looked like everyone got something out of it. Ably organised by Sarah , there were two speakers. Eileen Brown spoke about evangelism in Microsoft and being a woman working in a […]
A see a perfect set of poker chips as a Christmas present. All I need to do is learn to play the game – but I get that much spam for sites that want me to play, should not be hard finding somewhere ;o)