As we move into year end the prevalence of US media and commercial interests not to use the salutation ‘Happy Christmas’ but instead to use the more niutral ‘Happy Holidays’ always makes be chuckle. And wonder what they call all the other festivals such as Eid, Divali, Hannukkah or Kwanzaa. We can’t call all of […]
Absolut Christmas
Absolut’s Christmas site is fun (the first time only though). Singing bottles take you through seasonal recipes and invite you to send to a friend. Those songs though – drive me insane. Bet they were fun to work on ;o) And that’s about the only thing I;ve seen over the last few days, having spent […]
Women in Podcasting
Blogher comments on Wired’s piece about women and blogging, looking at the attendance of women of the recent Podcasting conference in the US. Mistakenly called the inaugral conference (I’m sure I attended one in the UK in September), only 15% of the attendees were women. It follows the trend of ‘new’ technology, as it attracted […]
The new BBC TV advertising, for digital services, is rather disturbing. A crowd of disembodied heads floating around the countryside getting together in the shape of verious personalities. What were the creatives on when they came up with that?
Tourist London
My mother was visting today (she was down in London for a conference) so I took the day off to do some touristy stuff. No real plans were made, but we ended up doing a spin round the V&A and then visiting Harrods. As responsible adults you’d have thought we would have gone for some […]
Snippets 17 Nov
Marketing for dogs – Floor stickers and low level posters advertising Pedigree dog food provide experiential marketing for canines as they are scented with dog food smells to attract the target market. Gnomenclature – Chris Pirillo’s new word defintitions. I particulary like: WEB 2.0 – I don’t know, and I don’t care. PODCASTING – Um… […]
Sony Recalls CDs
Maybe it’s the dark nights in the Northern Hemisphere, but the volume of posts coming through the aggregator over the last few weeks feels huge; overnight there can be an extra 500 or so unread to read. So I don’t…or rather I read some and skim others. P2P network closes. A US university P2P network, […]
Analytics vs Measuremap 1
So far Measuremap is a clear winner. As Ben has noted, the Google measurement tool has not started recording at all despite it being nearly 24 hours. It took about 8 hours before it decided to recognise I had the code on the site. t Measuremaps started giving me figures immediately after I had added […]
Google Analytics
I’ve signed up for Google Analytics to see what it can do. Compared to Measuremap, the initial impression is definitely far more commercial, with reports being cut for marketing and content optimisation and the tie in with Adsense. It needs to run for a while longer to get some data in before I can assess […]
Typepad offers compensation
In recompence for recent poor service on Typepad, Six Apart are offering their paying customers a choice of packages. In this case, it is up to the user to decide what level of compensation they think they deserve. Straightforward, logical economic thinking should mean that everyone should choose the largest amount of free stuff withthe […]
Happy Birthday Harriet
Harriet is thought to be 175 years old today, or at least that is what is being celebrated.
Rugby Internationals
Yesterday, I took a trip to Twickenham to watch England beat Australia at rugby. Beforehand, I’d been at a lunch where Jeff Probyn had given a speech – un-reformed, targeting the many males in the audience ;o) – in which he had predicted a win by 10 points, with the front row playing the key […]
Lest We Forget
On the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month of 1918, The Great War, the war to end all wars, officially came to an end. Since then, the time has been used to remember the fallen, those who gave their lives for their country, with no though of politics. Every year, the […]
The Language of Blogs
Via Data Mining, Scott Nowson has published his thesis “The Language of Weblogs: A study of genre and individual differences.” I’ll admit to not having read it all yet (it’s 300 pages) but unsurprisingly: The study concludes by confirming that both gender and personality are projected by language in blogs; furthermore, approaches which take the […]
Sony DRM/Rootkit issues escalate
Sony are currently facing legal action over their DRM on CDs, the implementation of which acts as a rootkit. Cases are being bought in California, New York and Italy. Meanwhile, the first trojan virus that utilises the cloaking in the applications has been spotted. So Sony got caught poorly implementing protection that they believe will […]
PC Woes
I thought there was a problem, but my PC desktop has given up the ghost before I got to fix it. It’s decided that it no longer has an MBR and just sits there sulking, asking to find something to give it a kick…time to find someone to fix the thing.
Nerobucks – what’s out favourite coffee?
Occasionally, it becomes necessary to go outside of work and get coffee from one of the many local coffee shops, forgoing the inhouse brand whose only real attraction is that is free and ocntains caffeine. The choice is usually Starbucks. Yesterday, we tried something different and ran a taste test between Starbucks and Cafe Nero. […]
Great to see that the BBC will be trialling HDTV. It will be available in certain satellite and cable areas, plsu terrestrial in London. The intention is to have all free to air digital programmes as HDTV by 2010. This could be my trigger to buy a new set at some time.
Tipping Cows
Boing Boing highlight a academic study that looked at the physics of tipping cows, ie making a cow fall over. The study shows that the average cow would need 5 people to tip it over, although 2 people may be able to manage it if they surprised it! Which brings me on to Richard Langford, […]
What do I do again?
Tom at TrueTalk Blog writes about explaining what he does, how it is not a simple as delivering mail, but is about helping leaders create an environment that make people happy, in which they have fun, in which there is a deep sense of mutual respect and regard (love). Oh, and are wildly productive because […]