One of the good people I met in Paris was Tara Hunt, who is working with Ojos on Riya, a face recognition programme. This got some love from The Times on Wednesday. In conversation it was good to see that the company is trying to address privacy concerns, in that I may not want photos […]
Blogging for the older generation
One of women in my book club has a lot of stories to tell about internet dating and the small sideline job she does in selling sex toys to an older generation. We could be seeing a new entrant into the blogosphere in a month or so as she now seems keen to use the […]
I spent an extra day in Paris after LesBlogs and spent my day doing more tourist stuff, such as Musee d’Orsay and Eiffel Tower. Photos over on Flickr. After finally getting connectivity back today, I’ve been catching up on feeds (over 4000 new posts to read – I’m afraid many just got marked read), loading […]
Xbox360 in Paris
Xbox Case 1 Originally uploaded by RachelC. Walking round the streets of Paris last night, we came across a designer shop with customised XBox360 faceplates. 6 different sets, of which this one surely had the most bling. Robert Scoble and Maryam were suitably impressed with the Parisian welcome for Microsoft, whilst Marc Cantor got woken […]
If I’m going to go to a conference with plentiful wifi, power and very, very comfortable seats, it may be a good idea the next time to remember to bring along the power cord for the PC. Unless I get lucky and manage to borrow, no blogging for me this time.
Champagne and chips
Champagne and chips Originally uploaded by RachelC. Last night we had our team Christmas night out; early due to holiday commitments. The meal was not booked until late, so here’s the perfect start to the evening – champagne and a bowl of chips. Later on we went to Floridits’s, a Cuban retaurant over in Wardour […]
Consumer Relationships
Innocent Drinks have a seasonal campaign to raise money for Age Concern and Extra Care, by selling drinks with little woollen hats in selected stores. And just in case they did not get all 80000 of the hats made in time, they’re asking their fans to knit some as well. The instructions start off with […]
Christmas Tube Rides
It’s that holiday season again and the parties are lined up. One of the occupational hazards of such festivity is falling asleep on the way home and missing your stop. But worry no longer, pop over to and get yourself some stickers, requesting your fellow commuters to wake you up at your stop. Thanks […]
Green Day Mashups
One of my favourite songs this year has been a mashup of Green Day, Oasis and Aerosmith, called Boulevard of Broken Dreams. It’s a track from American Edit, a album of mashups from American Idol, with other artists such as Queen and even Doctor Who. The full album has been on the web for the […]
Les Blogs 2 Blogs
Whilst Stuart Mudie put together a list of all the feeds from the participants of Les Blogs this week, Victor Ruiz has put together a blog of blog posts from all those feeds, with everything on the same page. Cool tool.
Christmas Magazines
The magazine associated with the gadget and gear website Boys Stuff was floating around the office today. Amongst all the gadgets such as remote control cars, robots, game accessories etc areideas for Christmas presents that sound great but only get bought at this time of year, such as: Naughty duvet cover, with tasteful (!) pictures […]
Swedish Beers
Last night I went along to Swedish Beers, a networking event for peopel involved in mobile marketing. Sponsorship was ably organised by Helen Keegan , giving more than a few rounds of drinks for the attendees. I think there were around 30 people there, all heavily discussing hte various aspects of mobile marketing.
London Hide and Seek
Not enough time to do what I need to. But if I was in London this weekend, I could be up for a game of Hide and Seek around Covent Garden. There’s a plan and a vague indication of how to pla y. The idea is that everyone meets at noon and then moves to […]
I got a nice surprise at work this week – I got given an iPod shuffle. I did actually have to do some work for it; I was an advisor on a project in an area I would not normally be working in and the was a thankyou. I’ve not really got on with iPods […]
Geek Dinners again – Molly Holzschlag
Lat night I attended a geek dinner where the guest of honour was Molly Holzschlag. A new venue for me, it has it’s advantages being only 200 yards from the office. Enjoyable night, unfortunately only got to hear part of the speach as the acoustics were not too good and there was no amplification. One […]
IE Security Update
Since Wednesday I’ve seen at least 3 copies of an’ urgent security notice’ via different communications routes, noting that a critical vulnerability to internet explorer had not yet been fixed and warning us all to exercise common sense when browsing web pages. So far I’ve managed not to send my automatic reply back – use […]
George Best and the Newspapers
As George Best appears to be facing the end, the Metro newspaper put him on the front page today – with some very careful (and clever) writing. Last night, doctors were predicting that he only had a few hours left. He was alive as the papers went to press but the odds were that he […]
Burger king: community-generated content
Over on, Burger King masks are being featured in community generated videos, starring in a number of different videos including Safety dancewhere a bemasked dancer goes around gesturing rudely at BK’s competitors and Webcam Stripper where a strip tease also features the mask (surprisingly, it is safe for work). Both of these would feature […]
2005 Blogged
I picked up a copy of Tim Worstall’s new book 2005 Blogged: Dispatches from the Blogosphere at the weekend. Surprisingly easy to find, as it was placed on the Payment Counter in the Richmond branch of Waterstones. And even better – it’s in the 3 for 2 offer. A look back over the past year […]
World’s Ugliest Dog Dies
Sam, a Chinese-Crested dog that won the ‘World’s Ugliest Dog’ Competition 3 times in a row and garnered plenty of press interest, has passed away just short of 15. Sam became a little bit of a blogging phenomenom, as evidenced by the number of posts that I can find about him.