I made my first visit to a US grocery store on Sunday and got the biggest culture shock so far. Everything was different enough that it’s going to take me at least twice as long as usual just to work my way around the products; even with familiar brands the packaging is different enough to […]
Tag Sale
Tag Sale Originally uploaded by RachelC. There’s too many tags…they’re now on sale.
New Job
For the next few weeks at least I’m going to be working in Manhattan. I’m working with an advertising agency to develop a digital strategy for one of their clients. Found a good apartment via Craigslist way up in Washington Heights; the commute this morning took just under an hour but was complicated by me […]
WeMedia the conference
I spent some of the morning watching the WeMedia on video stream and via the online chat and IRC, then got to see a couple of sessions at the conference. There is a lot of blogging coverage about the event, some from participants, others from the virtual attendees. The blurb says “The We Media Global […]
Digital assassin
Our digital assassin Originally uploaded by Blue Blanket. I spent some of yesterday at the WeMedia conference hosted by the BBC. I was one of about 30 so-called ‘digital assassins’ bought in to tell the ‘suits’ how it really is with media consumption for news and entertainment. Not sure how well it went down overall, […]
May London Geek Dinner with Marc Canter
May London Geek Dinner 4 Originally uploaded by RachelC. A pleasant May Day ended with a Geek Dinner with Marc Canter. Around 30 people turned up for chat and networking and to hear Marc talk about the People Aggregator, which should start to be available in a couple of months. As usual with Marc, the […]
I’m going to be spending at least the next few weeks in New York, so I’m looking at the Craig’s List to find temp accommodation which would be far more cost effective than a hotel. I used the service to find accommodation in Austin earlier this year, but New York seems to have a whole […]
Helping a guy along – viral marketing and the tipping point
After a hiatus in posts (I’ve been sort of busy) something that is well worth blogging. From Charlie, awonderful example of how the content on the web can suddenly take off beyond expectations. So a guy called Dan has a bet with his girlfriend, that he could not get 2 million hits on a website. […]
Online Calendars – Micrososoft, Google, Yahoo
With the release of Google’s Calendar, I thought I’d take a look at the offerings of the three big companies and see how they compare as I need to pick one to use going forward. This review is not comprehesive, as it focuses only on the bits I need it to do, not necessarily on […]
Nike Football
Nike Football Two Originally uploaded by RachelC. At Niketown, in Oxford Circus, the windows and all the ground floor are dedicated to football and the World Cup. Nike have a great integrated campaign, TV, print, and Nikefootball.com. In Trafalgar Square, a huge 3-a-side football competition was taking place, all sponsored by Nike, with U16 and […]
Google Calender
Via TechCrunch, Google Calendar finally gets launched. Except it’s not working at the moment or t least a little unstable. First impression about what is missing – export of calendars so I can put on my phone.
I’ve been looking around at the various Carnivlas that go on, triggered by the latest Carnival of the Mobilists. Via Susan, I came across a list of various communities that exist. There’s a lot of different ones; of course, being blogs and all, there has to be a Carnival of the Cats..but I’m rather worried […]
Army Everest Expedition
The British Army are trying to conquer Everest. To allow you to follow the three teams on this massive adventure there’s the obligatory website armyoneverest.mod.uk. Who ever has built this knows how to leverage this space. News and updated, blogs, videos, podcasts, RSS ties into Google Earth and a promise of mobile goodies; a good […]
Video Developments
Lots of stuff on video happening. DVGuru compares 10 video services. I’m going to have to dig into a lot more of these, as I’ve only used 3 of them. The US network company ABC have announced that they are goingto be providing programmes via broadband the day after they air, on-demand, streaming and supported […]
Upcoming Events
Tonight we have WebWednesday, full of web entrepeneurs. Next week we have the London Bloggers Meetup on 18th And don’t to sign up for the next London Gilr Geek Dinner on the 24th. For a little more money than those, there is a panel discussion on Personal Publishing – beyond blogging on May 6th.
Snippets 13 Apr
I have so many tabs open at the moment that they are dissappearing off the edge – Firefox only appears to deal with 40 or so at a time and does not scroll the tabs. Carphone Warehouse enter the brandband market. Taking advantage of the Local Loop unbundling, Carphone Warehouse is going to be offering […]
Hogmanay Unconference
Ewan is trying to get an unconference up and running over Hogmanay in Edinburgh. Waht could be better – a couple of days learning and sharing and then a night at one of the best New Year Party’s in the world. If you’re interested, leave a comment on his blog.
World Cup ads
Apr_general 103 Originally uploaded by RachelC. A day trip to Hamburg yesterday for an interview gave me a few hours to walk around the city. I was surprised at the lack of advertising for the World Cup, with only the odd touch like this bus shelter banner. I also took a wander round the botanic […]
Life is short
A funny day today. My parents were visiting with plans to do lunch; instead we ended up going to Camden Market. My aunty had also traveeled down, the first time she’d been to London for 28 years. The tube proved an adventure, but the confusing corridors and barriers were soon mastered. Part way through the […]
Looking for US gossip blogs
I’m looking for US based/focused blogs on gossip, fashion, celebrity. Are there any recommendations. I’m going to be using the blog search tools to look for things, but looking for any personal favourites.