Helping a guy along – viral marketing and the tipping point

After a hiatus in posts (I’ve been sort of busy) something that is well worth blogging. From Charlie, awonderful example of how the content on the web can suddenly take off beyond expectations. So a guy called Dan has a bet with his girlfriend, that he could not get 2 million hits on a website. The prize if he wins is interesting to say the least, you have to go click through to the Help Win This Bet page to find out..but be aware that you may be responsible for serious damage to his relationship..or may help it to blossom and grow in a different direction 😉

The last update to the page says that on 5 April he had had 10000 hits. Over 5 hours this morning, the hits more than doubled from 145000 to 345000. Five hours later another doubling to over 700000 hits. By this rate, the bet should be won early tomorrow morning. So it looks like Dan may be looking for something for the weekend…

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