Via Om Malik I see that DVDStation are going to offer kiosk downloads of films and other content, direct onto your portable media carrier, in a variety of flavours. If they are doing deals with major studios, then DRM will be leading the way, but I see one vision of the future – media more […]
Coffee, Chocolate, Men…some things are just better rich
can you say any more?
Crazy Frog
BBC Breakfast is currently talking about a Crazy Frog going to the top of the charts with what sounds like a remix of Axel F’s old hit (no idea what it’s called). I think I’ve missed a cultural phenomenon?
Legal choices
Whilst the US Homeland Security has signed a deal with Websense to provide anti-spyware software, one legal interpretation on The Register concludes that it may be illegal in the US to install anti-spyware as it breaches an assumed contract. More work for the lawyers.
London life
I finally got a photo of the London2012 liveried tube train that runs on the Julbille Line. Hideous, billious yellow. To think, we could have these for 7 years.
Open Source
I know that occasionally Open Source fans can get slightly vitriolic, but surely an Apache Regiment is going too far?
Cookery Chemistry
I found out today that Jamie Oliver has a blog as part of his brand website (the brand being Jamie). I see some the potential for some great synergy by getting him together with the Chef Neal over at Podchef Show, who puts up Flickr images of the different stages of making his recipes (like […]
I got a comment from one of the entries to the Contagious Media Showdown.. I haven’t posted it as does very little but link to the site entry. For me this is spam. A more open approach would have bene to get me to go see the site and get me to write about it..(a […]
Ad avoidance
In my general reluctance to watch TV ads, I use Tivo. A lot. And now even my preference to fast forward through the breaks is under threat. Adrants is reporting that tests are underway for ‘fast-forward’ ads, in order to “provide viewers with better advertising” involving “the consumer even when they are in avoidance mode”. […]
Movie Countdown
Time Magazine has listed the ‘Readers voted’ top 100 films.I;ve only seen 24 of them -could be time to visit the video store (and i just realise i should start calling it the DVD store)
The BBC reports that the US has decided that the Medicare system there does not have to pay for Viagra for registered sex offenders
And finally
Lot’s of stuff posted today. During the week I sometimes have less time than I would like to capture things. So today, I’ve been adding posts in-between all the housework. And now I have 2 final things. Blogebrity Something brewing in the world of magazines..or is it. With a blog, a blogroll and a very […]
Messengers converge
I see Yahoo have released a new beta of their Messenger. It’s integrated with Yahoo360, so that you can add blog entries directly to your Yahoo blog whilst chatting away without having to go to a browser.
As I, as well as many others, tend to search on peoples names to see what I can find out about them, I thought I’d see where I was last week, based on my full name. On Google, I’m listed at 16, surprisingly I’m number 1 on MSN (but only .com, can’t find me on […]
I say portal, you say what?
I don’t particularly like portals. I look at the default pages of excite, or yahoo or the many like them and just get turned off and move along rapidly. When BT upgraded to BTYahoo, I got sent emails and phonecalls trying to get me to upgrade the software to their broweser, with one of the […]
aka as GTD Tiddlywiki, I just want to call it Tiddlywinks. A nice, all in one HTML file that is wiki-sh in nature but can be run from the desktop, for To do lists and any other kind of lists you want. It prints to small sizes, to allow easy to carry notes. For fans […]
Via David Weinberger found this neat trick of an embedded or popup mini browser – Scott Mathew’s Bitty Browser. Using iframes, it allows a window into another site, either embedded like the one below or via popup buttons. Not a new idea, but a branded wrapping. Recursiveness Open “Recursiveness” in a new window About Bitty […]
A secret shared…
Postsecret is good. And scary. Everyone has secrets – would you share yours online?
Keep it simple
I don’t really use a mobile phone too much; it’s provided, and paid for, by my employer and is really a basic model from Nokia whose only real functions are texting and calls. So I look at the ever increasing market of phones that do everything and wish I could get mine updated (and I […]
Reboot 7.0
I believe I’ve signed up for Reboot7.0 taking place in June in Copenhagen. I say believed as, so far, no invoice or confirmation has been received after a week. In this I’m the same as Tom, as well as a few other people. Trusting that all is well, everything else is booked – flights, hotels […]