In a change from the normal weekend routine, I spent today out in the open air, acting as regatta control for the Army regatta. Teh Army hold rowing camps and regattas every year and for about the last 10 years I’ve gone along, coaching the groups of squaddies who get ‘volunteered’ by their officers and […]
The BBC have finally discovered Flickr….got reported on its Click Online programme this morning. They compared it to the social network sites that ‘were so popular last year’! Of course, the BBC have to say: “People put all sorts up on these pages, so obviously discretion should be used when surfing with minors.” Here and […]
The genie’s not getting back in its bottle
have an extremely interesting article about downloading TV programmes. It references Battlestar Galactica, which aired in the UK 3 months before the US. The programme had been captured and loaded up on the web within a few hours of being broadcast, where many US-based viewers would download. According to the rhetoric from the entertainment industry, […]
Evil site
Got sent a work avoidance site today from Lee – The Gematriculator. Using the infallible methods of the Gematria, it looks at words and calulates how good or evil they are. This site comes in at 53% evil; me, however – I’m all of 96% evil!
Musical chairs
There’s a planned announcement about the re-organisation tomorrow at work, covering the level above me, including the person my role reports into. Three people, including my current boss, have warned me that what I will hear may not be to my liking and to think about my reaction. Which means, in all likelihood, that my […]
Google Adsense
I see that Google have now released an Adsense for Feeds. That raises an interesting question for me, after saying that I would rather pay the licence fee for the BBC prgramming than see ads inthe programmes/radio/website. So would I have the same positionwit ads in RSS feeds? I’m not sure. It’s certainly easier to […]
Today’s Meme
You know it’s a meme when you see it in 2 unrelated blogs in a row (pixeldiva and Sorority Geek). The musical baton meme is asking about music – the volume of music on computer, last CD bought, song playig right now, sngs you listen to a lot and people to whom you wish to […]
Geek Dinner – the movie
I signed up to go this Geek Dinner taking place in London in June, as organised by Scoble, Hugh and Lloyd. I’ve watched the numbers grow and the limits increase 3 times, with the total committed now approaching 100 people. That’s a lot of people for a dinner where one of the drivers for people […]
I’ve been playing around with the Flickr Daily Zeitgeist (as in adding it to the right column), but for the time being I’m going to leave it off the menu, as it can be quite slow, however cool it may be.
Saturday night parties
Stephen, I don’t mind been sucked up to, even if it is to get a bottle of Scotch 😉
IBM corporate blogging
Great to see that IBM have formalised what I see as a very sensible Code of Conduct for all its employee bloggers. Now to start the discussions internally to see if we can move beyond the current ‘do not mention the company at all’ policy we have here.
MPAA makes movies
The Motion Picture Association of America are releasing shorts into cinemas to try and educate people about the ‘evils’ of piracy, in showing the impact such activity may have on the everyday people who work on such movies, instead of the multi-million pound earning studios. But is listing three spoofs of these, illustrating the […]
Uncertainty continues
Great. I’ve not had a job for the last few weeks, or rather, I should say, the whole company has been re-organising, it’s finally got to our section and since the middle of April everyone has been in limbo in that all roles are being opened up and you have to re-apply for your job. […]
Podshows revisited
I received a comment today regarding an older post I made about Now, this isn’t Adam Curry’s, but a UK based site providing shows by well-known DJs for payment and for free. Phyllis commented about the commercialisation of ‘casting, whatever the flavour, especially when combined with the government’s agreement that the licence fee […]
Store Wars Geeks
Go take a look at Store Wars, from the Organic Trade Organisation. A short parody (or should that be piss-take) of Star Wars with all the characters played by puppet vegetables, so we have Obi Wan Cannoli, a cucumber as Cuke Skywalker, Lord Tader and, my personal favourite, Chewbroccoli. There does appear to be a […]
Anglosphere Blogger Bash
Last night I went to a Bloggers Bash run by Adriana and Perry, some of the people behind The Big Blog Company and Samizdata. A great night that went on well into the morning. There were lots of new people to meet for me, unfortunately many of whom I only got their first names and […]
Feed overload
It’s taken me a week to finally get through all the blog feeds that had built up from my holiday…but finally done. Hooray. All I have to do now is wait another 5 minutes and there’ll be more there.
Employee Blogging
With an ongoing rumbling about the sensibility of blogging about work, I wonder if this guy’s boss is aware of his blog. With some of the observations made, I’d be cautious.
20 Questions
Interactive learning:an online version of 20 Questions that provides hours of fun (or at least a few minutes over coffee)
More fun stuff with Flickrand GoogleMaps. Dan Catt on geobloggers is providing an interface place Flickr place images on Google maps, using appropriate tags, along with lattitude nad longitude. And to save the effort of trying to work out the lat/long and then adding the tags yourself to Flickr, Steeve has written a GreaseMonkey Script, […]