Went along to the second networking event from the Open Rights Group. Firstly, Cory Doctorow talked about copyright and the various changes that are being pushed for from media companies; secondly Phil Booth talked about the campaign against the UK ID card, which comes back to the Commons on Monday. Tom Morris has done a […]
Ultimate Flight
Last year, Steve Fossett made the first solo non-stop flight around the world. This year, he tries to go one better by attempting the longest flight ever made – targetting 26,000 miles, 3000 miles more than last year. The plane carries 18,000 lbs of fuel and needs 10,000 ft to take off, so it’s using […]
Gervais Podcast Record
As reported in the Guardian, Ricky Gervais’s podcast (as hosted by the Guardian) is hitting records when it comes to downloads. Since starting in December, there have been 2.9million downloads, an average of 294,755 per episode. WOnder what the hosting/bandwidth charge is?
New York Dining
I’m trying to choose a restaurant in New York for a visit at the end of the month for an end of project party (assuming we get the website live by then!). Searching for ‘New york restaurant’ gives me 112 million results on google and even the organic results look like advertisment driven pages. This […]
Superbowl Ads
I’ve probably watched more TV ads today than I normally do in a week. Google and AOL both have a collection of ads that were shown in the US showing of the Superbowl last night. I’ve seen lots of build-up for what appears to be the prime placement for TV ads every year, including releases […]
Hi Calories
The Metro today features a high calory desert that is getting food campaigners up in arms – despite first appearing on the BBC food site over 2 years ago. It may be tied into the news that chocolate companies are going to increase the amount of information on packs to ensure we are educated about […]
Looking for People
The Big Blog Company, (I’m going to be working with them) are looking for some more people – two consultants and 2 techies. If you’re interested, drop Adriana a line.
Wiki Wednesday
Last night I wandered along to Wiki Wednesday, where Ross dropped in on his way back from Helsinki. This was a focused gathering, so I think most people had a chance to to talk to everyone there. There’s definitely a group of people I keep bumping into at these type of sessions, like Sarah and […]
I was going to download the IE7 Beta and take a look at that – I’m pretty sure it’s going to impact a number of the websites I support and wanted to get an early look at any issues. But as it only runs on XP, can’t test it on this machine. Time to go […]
Corporate Policies
One of the letters on my doormat when I got back last week was from the company, announcing the relaunch of its wellbeing policies, along with a telecall centre to provide you with anomynous support for all types of problems. The letter had obviously gone through legal at some point, as there was a wonderful […]
Four Things
Where’s the time gone – didn’t think it’s been a week since I posted. I’ve been tagged twice (by Lloyd and Andrew) so here’s a recent meme… Four jobs I’ve had: Bartender Insect Counter in an Entomology lab Warehouse packer Children’s Camp counselor (all of these were before I started working for the current compnay […]
Davos Conference Participation
The World Economic Forum starts in Davos today. This year they’ve increased the methods of sharing and participation with sessions available on webcast and also as podcasts for the first time this year. (nice to see the little orange icon. They also have a blog, which is open to contributions from all: Every participant of […]
Busk Marketing
Annie over on London Underground reports on the interface between corporates and self-impression. Underground buskers are being paid by companies to play music. The buskers are being paid a reported £40/day to play Johnny Cash songs, to support the release of the new movie Walk the Line and its associated release of albums. There appears […]
Conference Tiredness
Two days of the conference over, another 3 to go. Despite some of the cool things being shown and shared, it’s come back to me how tiring just sitting and listening is. Without the alternative input that can be obtained from shared wikis, back channels, flickr etc, the conference can drag. Without a shared space […]
Waiting at Airports
Waiting at Airports Originally uploaded by RachelC. Today waiting at the airport is not as boring as usual. The lounge is full of people from the company all travelling to a conference in dublin. I think we’ve taken over the plane.
testing moblogging
testing moblogging Originally uploaded by RachelC. Richard volunteered to be the first subject to try out the camera
Whale in Thames
This has just turned up in my inbox… London (dpa) – A whale was spotted in the river Thames in London Friday swimming past the parliament of Westminster and Big Ben, eyewitnesses said. Boaters and sightseers reported seeing the mammal, believed to be a pilot whale – which can grow up to 6 metres long. […]
Girl Geek Dinner February
The 3rd London Girl Geek Dinner was held last night. About 40 people turned up for networking, chatting, some food, drink, and open mike talks. Jen got up last and gave an impromptu chat show, dragging out confessions of other geekdoms from cooking to interior design. Other talks were from Rachael, (on developing mobile user […]
European domains
After seeing the sale of sex.com, I thoght I’d take a look at who was up for sex.eu. In the first 10 minutes after applications opened, 131 requests Although many appear to be multiple requests from the same buyer through different registrars. They’re nearly all claiming prior right to the word as a national trademark. […]
Strange Comment Spams
For the last few weeks, I’ve been receiving a lot of comment spam that all follow the same format. Here’s a typical comment: I enjoyed reading your stuff. Cool site. Central is feature of Astonishing Round: www.dallasnews.com , Collective Boy becomes Coolblooded Soldier in final www.newscientist.com Red, Faithful, Universal nothing comparative to Central , to […]