I’ve copied Roo and put a ‘What’s in My Bag’ photo up. This is the handluggage for the SXSW travel, where I put in all the electronics (hate putting them in the hold). Quite useful to do, as I realise I’ve left out notebook, pen and keys. Click through to see the notes on what’s […]
Travels and ad videos
I’m off to SXSW tomorrow, to have fun, to do a little speaking and to take some videos. I’ve decided to do a wee video series, asking people what their favourite marketing campaign is at the moment. I’ve been using qik on the N95, which I won’t be able to use in the US, so […]
Studying Again
I’m feeling the itch to do some studying again, so looking at the OU for courses. So far, I’m liking this lot: Strategy Archeology Biological Psychology Ancient and Medieval Cities – a technological history Exploring the classical world Robotics and the meaning of life Elements of forensic science Exploring psychology Pretty sure that does not […]
Keen vs Leadbeater
Monday night, I wandered over to NESTA for a debate between Andrew Keen and Charlie Leadbeater, to promote the launch of Charlie’s book We-Think. I think this is about the 3rd or 4th time I’ve seen Keen in action and of them all, I enjoyed this the most, as he seemed less likely to try […]
Mobiles at the Museum
I went to the Natural History Museum last week and came across this. An animatronic T.Rex being filmed by a whole load of schoolchildren – like multiple mini versions of Scoble, all with their phone out, video and taking pictures. I saw very few actual cameras, they all had the phone. How many of these […]
Win a trip to martinque
Please read this on Behind the Buzz and vote here (I was on page 2). Way back before Christmas, I got invited to write about one of my favourite holiday places as part of a promotion for Martinique, to get more US visitors considering the island as somewhere for a holiday. 25 bloggers writing about […]
Chiswick Wifi
I’m now back in my flat in London, stuff from the US delivered and slowly sorting through the admin. Currently I have no web access from the flat, so I need to sort that out. For almost all ISPs I need a BT phone line, so got that sorted but it’s going to take 11 […]
Twitters Error Message
Look, a new error image for Twitter. Nice, it’s even got robots, but I wish they would please hurry up and move to the new servers and get it a little more stable.
Faked Moon Landings
Serendipity sometimes strikes with the feedreader. I’ve just read these two posts from Gia and from JP which refer to conspiracies of truth around the Moon Landings. However, I do love the idea of NASA putting together a Massively Multi-player Online game.
Ewan predicting MacWorld Coverage
Instead of predicting what Steve Jobs is going to say tomorrow, Ewan is just predicting what he is going to write about it Ditto on the iPhone. You’ve sold a lot, that’s nice, but the point is that the majority of these are in the US. Look to any other territory where there’s even the […]
Josh and Melie
Josh and Melie, originally uploaded by RachelC. I love this photo. Also great blackmail material when they reach awkward teen years.
Eight for 2008
Keith is the latest person to tag me with the 8 for 2008, tell me some things, meme. I’ve done this a few times before, back in August with 8 things. As with the last time, I’m not tagging anyone, but would be interested in hearing stuff in the comments or on your own blog. […]
Some 2008 Plans
Not really resolutions as they cover more than that, but here’s some of the things I want to do. Work First up, find some new work. I know what I want to do – deliver transmedia experiences – but finding the right place could be a challenge. Money Sort out the long term stuff. I […]
Civility and Copyright
One of the latest hoohahs to occupy the mind of bloggers is about video We Didn’t Start the Bubble, the Richter Scales and Lane Hartwell. A fun video has been taken off YouTube under DMCA provisions as the band did not credit Lane (nor any of the other photographers) in the video for the work […]
Flooding and Firemen
I said on Seesmic today this place is out to get me and earlier this evening we had another example of it. Sitting in my room I hear a bang, a whooshing news and then a fair bit of swearing and shouting. I went out to find that one of the sprinklers had gone off […]
A week in London
I spent last week in London, the first time I’d been back since I moved to New York. A great week was had, a combination of work and pleasure. had some interviews and met up with some headhunters. I’m back in London permanently from January and this was setting up some things. No idea how […]
Henry Jenkins and Josh Green Opening Remarks
An opening introduction to the conference. Tex Avery 1953 The TV of Tomorrow – started off by showing the start of the cartoon. the film shows some of the things that are still relevant today – simplifying the TV, specialised devices, disruption to social life, gaming systems, the conference is ‘Futures’ as there can be […]
FOE2 – Mobile Media
Mobile Media Panelists: Marc Davis, Yahoo!; Bob Schukai, Turner Broadcasting; Alice Kim, MTV Networks (I missed one name – he’s ??. To be filled in later) Beyond the launch of shiny new devices, the mobile market has been dominated by data services and re-formatted content. Wifi connections and the expansion of 3G phone networks enable […]
Remembrance 11th November 2007
Remembrance 11th November 2007, originally uploaded by johnthurm. They shall not grow old as we that are left grow old Age shall not weary them nor the years condemn them At the going down of the sun, and in the morning We shall remember them
Pumpkin Festival
Pumpkin Festival, originally uploaded by RachelC. There was a Pumpkin Festival in Central Park at the weekend, there must have been thousands of them. When I was growing up, we never got pumpkins for Halloween – we used swedes. These pumpkins make it far too easy!