Halo3 goodies, originally uploaded by RachelC. I finally got my prize copy of Halo 3 today, which I won in a draw at the IAB MIXX conference a few weeks ago, along with a XBox360. I was expecting just the game but instead got this special edition, with extra DVDs and a helmet shaped game […]
BIF and Mark Cuban by Walt Mossberg
Mark Cuban Owner, Dallas Mavericks (among other things) www.nba.com/mavericks Cuban is an active investor in leading and cutting-edge technologies and owner of the Dallas Mavericks. Prior to his purchase of the Dallas Mavericks, Cuban co-founded Broadcast.com, the leading provider of multimedia and streaming on the Internet. Today, in addition to his ownership of theMavericks, Cuban […]
BIF and Joseph Coughlin by Walt Mossberg
Joseph Coughlin Director, Age Lab, Massachusetts Institute of Technology web.mit.edu/agelab/index.shtml Coughlin is founder and Director of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology AgeLab – the first multi-disciplinary research program sponsored by government and business to understand the behavior of the 45+ population as decision-makers, consumers, patients, caregivers, advisors and technology users. WM: you run the age […]
BIF and another Maverick panel
A panel discussion with the 3 previous speakers, moderated by Bill Taylor, you had William Herp. Robin Chase and Jack Hughes. BT: What are the surprising barriers> WH: the biggest challenge, getting the biggest customer group, those who only use airlines and do not think there us an alternative. it is getting all the team […]
BIF and Denise Nemchev
Denise Nemchev President, Stanley Fastening Systems www.stanleyworks.com Nemchev is President of Stanley Bostitch, a Division of the Stanley Works. The Stanley Works is a worldwide supplier of tools, hardware and security solutions for professional, industrial, and consumer use. Stanley Bostitch is a $600M division of SWK headquartered out of East Greenwich, Rhode Island employing nearly […]
BIF and William Herp
William Herp President and CEO, Linear Air www.linearair.com/ Herp is the president and CEO of Linear Air, a company offering private air travel to executives and families with superior and personalized service. Linear Air offers flexibility and convenience not offered from big name airlines. Herp is also an Instrument Rated Commercial Pilot. I’ve thought about […]
BIF and Jack Hughes
Jack Hughes Founder and Chairman, TopCoder, Inc. http://www.topcoder.com/ Hughes is founder and chairman of TopCoder. TopCoder is the recognized leader in identifying, evaluating and mobilizing effective software development resources. Through its proprietary programming competitions and rating system, TopCoder recognizes and promotes the abilities of the best programmers around the world. Hughes also co-founded Tallán Inc. […]
BIGF and Robin Chase
Robin Chase, Founder and CEO, GoLoco www.goloco.org Chase is the founder and CEO of GoLoco. GoLoco is a service that helps people quickly arrange to share rides between friends, neighbors, and colleagues. GoLoco also helps share trip costs online. Prior to GoLoco, Chase co-founded and was CEO of Zipcar, the world’s largest car-sharing company. I […]
BIF and Ellen Levy
Ellen Levy Founding Managing Director, Silicon Valley Connect www.linkedin.com/in/ellenlevy Levy is currently the founding Managing Director at Silicon Valley Connect. She also serves as the Deputy Chair for the Global Health track within the Clinton Global Initiative; she is the Network Advisor to venture firm Draper Fisher Jurvetson; she is a consultant to the Kauffman […]
BIF and Stephen Lane
Stephen Lane Co-Founder and CEO, Item (design consultancy) www.itemnpd.com Lane co-founded Item Group and over two decades has built up a dynamic and entrepreneurial design and development firm. Steve focuses on defining and executing new initiatives, both corporate and long-range planning, capitalization and strategic partnerships. Lane thrives as an active leader in the design, entrepreneurial […]
BIF and Clayton Christensen
Clayton Christensen Professor of Business Administration, Harvard Business School Christensen is the Robert and Jane Cizik Professor of Business Administration at the Harvard Business School. His research and teaching interests center on managing innovation and creating new growth markets. A seasoned entrepreneur, Christensen founded three successful companies: CPS Corporation, Innosign, and Innosign Capital. Christensen is […]
BIF and Irving Wladawsky-Berger by Walt Mossberg
Irving Wladawsky-Berger  Vice President, Technical Strategy and Innovation, IBM www.research.ibm.com/  Blog: http://irvingwb.typepad.com/ Wladawsky-Berger is vice president of Technical Strategy and Innovation at IBM, responsible for identifying emerging technologies and marketplace developments that are critical to the future of the IT industry. He has led a number of companywide initiatives like Linux, Grid Computing and, in […]
BIF and Richard Wurman by Walt Mossburg
Richard Saul Wurman, Author, Architect, Founder of TED, www.wurman.com http://www.192021.org/ With the publication of his first book in 1962 at the age of 26, RSW began the singular passion of his life: making information understandable. He chaired the International Design in Aspen in 1972, the first Federal Design Assembly in 1973, followed by the National […]
BIF and Juan Fernando Santos
Juan Fernando Santos Chief Creative Officer, Studiocom (digital marketing agency) www.studiocom.com Santos is the creative director for Studiocom, where his responsibilities include leadership for the design team, user experience concept creation and strategic consulting for highly engaging interactive experiences. Prior to joining Studiocom, Santos was the chief creative and technical officer for iKioskos Communications Corporation, […]
BIF and Matt Mason
Matt Mason Author, The Pirate’s Dilemma and ex-pirate radio DJ The Pirate’s Dilemma Mason began his career as a pirate radio and club DJ in London, going on to become founding Editor-in-Chief of the magazine RWD. In 2004, he was selected as one of the faces of Gordon Brown’s Start Talking Ideas campaign, and was […]
BIF and Mavericks at Work
Bill Taylor Author, Mavericks at Work www.mavericksatwork.com/ Co-Author of Mavericks at Work, Taylor is a provocative and inspiring voice on the future of business – an agenda-setting writer, speaker, and entrepreneur who has shaped the global conversation about the best ways to compete, innovate, and succeed. As a cofounder and founding editor of Fast Company, […]
BIF and Steven Johnson
Steven Johnson Author "The Ghost Map" and founder Outside.in www.stevenberlinjohnson.com www.outside.in Johnson is the best-selling author of five books. His most recent work The Ghost Map tells the story of the worst cholera outbreak in Victorian London. Johnson is a contributing editor to Wired magazine and is a Distinguished Writer In Residence at the New […]
BIF and Jay Cohen
Jay Cohen Under Secretary for Science & Technology, Department of Homeland Security www.dhs.gov Under Secretary Jay Cohen, vice Rear Admiral, USN Retired, serves as the Under Secretary, Science & Technology Directorate with the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). Having led the US Office of Naval Research office for an unprecedented 5+ years, Admiral Cohen is […]
Business Innovation Factory
I’m at a conference up in Providence for the next 2 days, here at the Business Innovation Forum. I’m posting my notes from the talks, which are 15min sessions from great storytellers.
BIF and Jason Fried by Walt Mossman
Jason Fried (as interviewed by Walt Mossman) Founder and CEO, 37signals (web-based software and services) www.37signals.com Fried is the founder and CEO of 37signals. Fried is a passionate leader in the field of simple, clear, and elegant web-based user interface design. He spearheaded the concept, design, and development of Basecamp, 37signal’s web-based project management tool […]