It’s the start of my 3rd full day at SXSW and again it’s a completely different experience from all the others. Friday was spent at an off-site event, Tweethouse. Saturday was spent in panels and today there’s going to be a mixture of panels and parties, at least when I get started on the day. […]
SXSW: Andrea Phillips ARGS and the hot Brunette
LIVEBLOGGED: taken during talk, so any mistakes are mine. Andrea Phillips ARGS and Women A freelance game designer and writer, involved since they started. Also Chair if IGDA SIG ARG One of community moderators of Cloudmakers, one of the key moments in ARGS, when we recognised that something had happened. One of the ingredients […]
SXSW: Chris Messina and Actvity Streams
LIVEBLOGGED – so pretty much as said Google Data Liberation – most excited to be part of this team Ingeneral, interested in generative systems and structures, rhizomatic structures, built into the fabric of how they work. Start spill with constructs that grow into the systems. Thats how it all started, hashtags etc. As in The […]
January Update
January is over, we’re 1/12 of the way through the year, so time for a monthly update. Gym: I’ve finally activated my corporate gym membership, going consistently through the month, so much so that I’ve unlocked the Gym Rat badge on Foursqure ;-). I’ve been doing a combination of classes and running on treadmills. New […]
Taking Video Games Seriously
A discussion panel held 25 Jan 2010, Westminster Hall (WARNING – Liveblogged at the time, so may not make 100% sense) Chair: Tom Watson; Tom Chatfield, Philip Oliver, Sam Leith Each panellist gave a talk about their position on games, it them moved into a series of statements from floor combined with some questions. Tom […]
New Year’s Ambitions
This year, I’m not making any New Year’s resolutions, but am stating some ambitions for the year. I’m only starting with 2, although more may be added later. 1. Be able to run 5k. It’s been a long time since I could do this comfortably, so the ambition is to get back into shape to […]
Extreme Gaming from Epson
I like this video – I should do as it came from the agency I work at. It’s been fun watching the development process, the highs and lows of defining the scenarios, the legwork in getting the games. I think it turned out well.
FOE: Free? Contemporary Media Business Models
WARNING: Liveblogged and not checked While the industry discussion has meandered from questions surrounding the validity of the ‘Long Tail’ to a debate about the notion of “free†and the generation of value itself – viable business models have begun to emerge. In these models, fan communities continue to figure prominently, as do monetized value […]
FOE: Unboxing the Medium
WARNING: Liveblogged and not checked What counts as “radio†when it comes via podcast rather than over the air? How do we create “television†as the limitations of spectrum scarcity slip away and content is delivered online? Media is determined by conventions that emerge from both technological constraints and cultural practices – the technologies of […]
FOE: Producing Transmedia Experiences: Participation & Play
WARNING: Liveblogged, not checked. While much of the discussion around transmedia tends to focus on the idea of non-linear storytelling, this panel will explore the idea that transmedia experiences — narrative-driven and otherwise — are also characterized by a high degree of audience participation, decision-making and collaboration. As users engage with transmedia narratives, worlds and […]
FOE: The ROI of ROFL: Why Understanding Popular Culture Should Matter to the C-Suite
WARNING: LIVEBLOGGED so not checked. (Also this was a fairly chaotic panel, so not everything captured) Too many corporations outsource their understanding of culture to trend hunters, cool watchers, marketing experts, consulting firms, and, sometimes, teenage interns. The cost is in the billions, for data and insights that often don’t help companies better understand their […]
FOE: Transmedia for Social Change
WARNING LIVEBLOGGER – not checked. Session 3: Transmedia for Social Change This panel will broaden the discussion of transmedia properties to areas beyond the commercial or promotional. What are the potentials for transmedia to be used to affect social change? What parallels can we draw between the activities fan communities and other sites of collective […]
FOE: Transmedia Design and Conceptualization – The Making of Purefold
WARNING – LIVEBLOGGED and not checked! Case Study: Transmedia Design and Conceptualization – The Making of Purefold A collaboration between Free Scott (Ridley and Tony Scott’s newly launched entertainment division) and Ag8 (an independent studio based in the United Kingdom), Purefold is an upcoming transmedia narrative extension of the Ridley Scott classic Blade Runner. Set in […]
FOE: Changing Audiences, Changing Methodologies
Session 2: Changing Audiences, Changing Methodologies Audience Research has long been a vital part of the media industries: research helps determine which ideas get produced, where content is distributed, and how content is monetized. Transmedia storytelling has forced media researchers to re-evaluate their notions of the audience since transmedia, by definition, allows audiences to engage […]
FOE – Producing Transmedia Experiences: Stories in a Cross-Platform World
WARNING: LIVEBLOGGED – not checked Session 1: Producing Transmedia Experiences: Stories in a Cross-Platform WorldAs the production of transmedia experiences becomes more commonplace, this panel seeks to pick apart some of the tensions emerging around transmedia as creative practice. As a narrative form, what is transmedia anyway? How can we keep it from being more […]
Henry Jenkins – Revenge of the Origami Unicorn: Seven Key Principles of Transmedia Entertainment
WARNING: Liveblogged, not checked. Henry Jenkins introduces the conference. first up the hashtag is #foe4. Last year the conference trended high, let’s try to do it again! Twitter is a transmedia tool, conversations across space and time Hold up the origami unicorn as the patron saint of transmedia. It is a single element that transforms […]
Futures of Entertainment 4
For the next couple of days I’m going to be liveblogging from the Futures of Entertainment conference being held at MIT. The sessions are long and intense – so expect some long posts!
Twitter Lists
Twitter Lists got widely released this past week and people are trying to get their head round what they mean. It’s a slow process categorising people, as there’s no quick way to put people into lists. With a new tool and a slow process, I think it’s going to take a while before user behaviour […]
BBC Baloon
I love how even an august organisation such as the BBC can sometime have typos (yes, I know I have no leg to stand on with the frequency of mine)
Guardian Gagged
According to the Guardian they have been prevented from reporting on a story concerning a question that is going to be asked in Parliament this week. They say: The only fact the Guardian can report is that the case involves the London solicitors Carter-Ruck, who specialise in suing the media for clients, who include individuals […]