Definitely not the best of months. A number of routine changes through me off my plan..something I need to work through, as I can’t have that happening again.
The Numbers
- 30 recorded activities (+1). Â 9 walks, 14 runs, 6 strength sessions
- 27 hours of activity (-1)
- 63 miles (-7)
The month started well, with a local run and then a trip down to Box Hill, with a friend, to get to know the place and do some initial walks. This was kept slow as my friend was not that fit, but it game me a chance to check out some hills for later use

The next week was a Germany week. I tested out my ability to do routines in hotel rooms – so yes to that, but only managed one small run. Back to Box Hill the end of the week, to find some more hills. I’m happy now with the options I have, if this is going to be my usual place.

The following week was also Germany, and this was far better for getting out for sessions. I had a good session with Trainer, then a hotel strength session, instead of going to the beer festival! I also went for a run with colleagues there, something I’m going to try and do everytime I visit. A run home from park run then a longer run round Richmond Park finished off the week.

The next 2 weeks were where it all went wrong. I had some days in a clients office in London – and I’d forgotten how tiring the commute is! Then I sent the week in Amsterdam and had meetings and meals out, so did not manage to put in the time I needed for sessions. This is all a mental battle, I do have the time available, but my brain plays tricks with me and I end up not doing anything – even though I have kit with me. This is what I need to focus on for this month – hitting all the planned sessions. I did manage to get out to the Chilterns for a different walk route. Nice to go, but Box Hill wins for closeness.
The last weekend in June, I went to Yestival, so again, no longer walks done. However, I was inspired by lots of great talks, including one by Jo Bradshaw, about her challenge to do the 7 Summits. I chatted with her about Aconcagua and it reinforced the need to get the training done…unlike Kili or EBC, you can’t get by with just general fitness.
Trainer sessions seem to be going well, the weights are slowly going up and then I’m taking some of exercises and adding them to my sessions at home.
So mixed month, with some things to think about. My official 6 months plan started on 24th June, so I am slightly ahead of that, but this month has shown that it can easily slip away if I don’t keep on top of it.