London traffic
London terror
Update: 7 blasts, across Tube and buses. Mobile phone not working as they are been restricted to to emergency services; also some news that mobiles may have been used as a trigger. Very few trains coming into the city, reports that road traffic restricteds. All the blinds now closed on the building to protect from […]
After the jubilation yesterday, complete terror today. London closed down, buses and tubes blowing up and the army apparently called out. No one knows what is happening, mobile networks down. Evryone starting at the TV.
Heavenly images
If you want to go and see one of the best sets of photos I’ve found on Flickr, try these, from Sarrah
London Wins
Went down to Trafalgar Square (photos) for the announcement about the Olympics. Cheers and clapping all around at the result, in the typical slightly muted english way, or was it because there was absolutely no room to do anything except clap. Swooshing banners, smoke and zooming jets were the offical celebrations,I gues there is more […]
Some bonus links
A set of Subservient G8 leaders. (try dance)…(via YBNBY) and a cocktail menu for your ipod.
G8 coverage
Take a look at Panos London’s AfricaVox, a collaborative blog from African journalists who are here coveing the G8 summit. I like Salamatu Turay’s account of her first peaceful protest on Saturday (good job it was not yesterdays).
Why didn’t I think of that?
In the build up to yesterday’s Deep Impact, an astrologist in Russia attempted to stop the collision by sueing NASA, as the collision would ‘affect the balance of the universe’ and her horoscope would be awry. Obviously she failed in her effort to get an injuction to stop it, but wonder if she can continue […]
Singing dogs
Singing animals are always a favourite for flash animations; on eclectech, it’s dogs singing about UK ID cards…. In fact without one you’ll a become practical nonentity It is the card that proves you have a national identity! Via.
G8 Rally
Continuing on the more political theme, allows you to sign up to the petition that can be found at but also allows you to add a message, and read the other mesages.
Photos and Interviews
I had a slightly surreal experience (for me) last week. I was interviewed by the Independent on Sunday for an article on on why more and more women are using various types of technolgy (PCs games etc). It may appear some time (it’s not there today). The surreal bit was haivng my photo taken. I […]
Repeating on me
I’m glad I’m not the only one to notice the odd behaviour from Typepad feeds. Almost all of them so far are repeating the last month or so of feeds and it’s getting boring.
Live8 Coverage
I could moan about the BBC coverage; they had a few too many ‘celebrity’interviews at the start of the show, which I guess dried up as the backstage guests got stuck into the hospitality and they did not show any of the videos that were playing between the sets, videos that had made to illustrate […]
Live8: more trite, more seriousness
Jonathan Ross (very tongue-in-cheek): Make poverty history and get Robbie laid, that’s the two messages we’re sending out now David Sillito, BBC News, backstage at Hyde Park: Chris Martin is having a chat with the Kofi Annan outside a portacabin with Sir Elton John, Richard Ashcroft and Annie Lennox all looking on. Around 300 other […]
Live 8: the trite and the serious
Some random quotes from the various interviews the BBC held inbetween sets or from people on stage. Jeremy Clarkson: It’s better to try than not do anything at all Bill Gates: if you show people the problems and you show people the solutions they will be moved to act Neil Morrissey: trying to eradicate some […]
Random thoughts on RSS
Lloyd has obviously been thinking..and come up with some some neat graphics…
Live8 Feeds
Watching Live8 in London on the BBC, U2 finished and Coldplay on at the moment. I thought to try and get the sound going through the PC, which has a far better system than the telly, but nothing is synching. BBC Radio is about 10secs behind and the AOL webcast is about 30 seconds behind. […]
Be a trailer star
New Line Cinema have added a twist to the promotion of one of their new films (Wedding Crasher), they provide you with a great tool to add yourself to the trailer of the movie. You upload a digital headshot of you (or your friend), do a little but of manipulation and then it takes the […]
Via Global Voices Online a slightly different perspective on Live8. A Kenyan blogger at Thinker’s Room wonders why such a concert should be held and the benefit of it: Meaningless concerts and laughable commissions are not going to fight any poverty. Even dubiously benevolent concessions like debt cancellation are meaningless in themselves. It is utterly […]
Scoble says that comments are broken and he gets more work done. David Weinberger says he’s stopped reading blogs. Jeanne Sessum says she can’t keep up. There’s too much information. The ‘important’ or ‘interesting’ stuff will repeat itself, will stay buoyant in the sea of the blogospehre, but you’ll only see it if you are […]