A few thngs in the news caught my eye today. Scientists can read minds. Or at least work out, after a lot of practice, which of two pictures the brain is looking at, or where about in a film the subject has reached. The BBC report on 2 papers that have been published, indicating that […]
Stormhoek wine
I finally received my wine as part of Hugh’s offer and, more importantly, finally got time to drink it. First impressions are good- how often do you get drink with your name on. On pouring, the colour is pale and clear; the nose is crisp, lemony, smells fresh and perfect for summer. On tasting, there’s […]
This is fun – make your words before someone else grabs your letters. Via
Travel Tips
Via London Underground. a very cool set of maps from quickmap.com, a company that’s been providing online maps for about 6 years. Wonderful fun little dynamic maps, that are quite mind-numbing to watch. The Tube one is fun, but my favourites are the bus ones, with the hoardes of buses being let loose from the […]
Always wanted to emigrate?
Here’s your chance – and you don’t even have to move out of London. Danny Wallace has taken his dream and declared himself King of a new country. No need to call in the movers, his territory consists of his flat in Bow, a decision made after a failed attempt to invade Eel Pie Island, […]
Police Overflow and Paper charges
The police will be everywhere today – has anyone else noticed they appear to be going round in threes? Update: counted 45 police around Waterloo, up from last week. The Independent is starting a new Bridget Jones Diary, from Helen Fielding. I was going to read it, but it’s behind a paywall…£1 to pay. £1. […]
Listings again
The Technorati Popularity list – you can ignore it, love it or hate it for lots of reasons. It’s the equivalent of the All-time greatest hits chart, looking at total number of links over time. But just because Elvis or The Beatles would always be on top of the charts looking at total sales, does […]
Volume – Sifry part 2
David Sifry’s posting yesterday regarding the rate of blog creation got a fair bit of press, with the BBC being quick to pick it up. The free paper the Metro also has it, burt their online version is different to the one in the paper. Online, they talk about a number of blog related firings, […]
Ben Metcalfe’s rant about working with people who just don’t ‘get it’ struck a chord. I guess it’s unfair to expect that the Internet exists as part of the fundamental fabric of everyone’s life in the same way it does mine. However it’s equally frustrating that concepts such as remixing content, tagsonomies, user generated content, […]
Flickr Ecards
The Flickr Blog points towards another service that has been developed using their APIs. Charles Coxhead has pulled together an Ecard service, using images published under a Creative Commons licence. At the moment the text search does not work, so you can only send current images but a superb idea to introduce people to your […]
New York
I’m back there next week so intend to do my usual and spend a day or two sightseeing. Time to dig outt he guide book again.
Simply Fired
Simply Hired ,a recruiting/job company have launched a competition, collecting tales of woe from people who have been fired called, obviously, Simply Fired. They’ve lined up an interesting group of judges for the competition most of whome seemed to blog about the site yesterday. The winner and guest “will join The Apprentice TV show cast […]
David Sifry is examining the state of the world of blogs again, through his Technorati tracking. In the first of a few articles he looks at the creation rate of blogs, the numbers of which seems to be growing exponentially and doubling every 5 months. The key figure for me (as for him) is the […]
Flickr have launched a great new feature, an interestingness page, a place where you can easily explore far more photos than you did before. And there are some amazing images. Another great way to spend those timeouts at work. I can see my contacts and favourites list growing.
BBC Continues to Educate
I see that the BBC’s Chris Moyles has leapt to the top of the Apple download chart, becoming one of the fastest selling podcasts of 2005 (sorry, been listening to too many chart shows). Ten hours after release, it topped the list of most subscribed; not sure if it’s there now as the list is […]
Talk Digger
TalkDigger is a new tool from Frederick Giasson which should provide some help in the currecnt debate about which blog search tool is providing better results. In fact, its development appears to have been driven by the debate. Then some weeks ago I asked myself that question: why don’t you build an application to query […]
Listings and blogging
Blogebrity have an anlysis of popularity; looking at the the top 5 on the Technorati lists. The list phenomenom got some focus in the backchat yesterday. Comments included: The fact the he is popular doesn’t make it more interesting to me I find the super blogs unweilding and terribly boring I personally don’t care who […]
Small World
In the chat yesterday I realised that I’d sent off an email to one of participants, Ethan at The Vision Thing, a few hours beforehand. Then I went and signed up for a dinner in August and realised I had met the rest of the people signed up to date.
Blogher Round up
Yesterday I tuned into the chat for Blogher. It appeared that the majority of people involved were not at the conference, but were keeping track through the live bloggers; we held a sort of parallel discussion, covering such topics as wahy we blog, political blogging and the art (or not) of flaming and how to […]
Many of the posts I’m reading today reference Blogher. There’s a live chat here, plus a list of people who are liveblogging the event here.