I actually noticed an online ad yesterday. It’s not something I normally do, having developed my finely tuned sense of ignoring ads and having no recall. But this one for MS Visual Studio just stuck out because it was slightly incongrous. They are sponsoring the Battlestar Galactica webisodes, so just have a small, static logo, […]
Lastminute Top Secret Hotels
Lastminute.com have a fairly decent new promotion for their Top Secret Hotels, where you can book 4 or 5 star hotels, but you don;t know what you are booking. It’s just a new spin on the ‘make your own magazine story’ but it is nicely put together, has a straightforward user flow, lets you load […]
Barcamp Roundup
The weeked ended, we threw all the rubbish out, the comfy couches got put away and the beanbags sent back with Red Bull. Post Mortem notes can be found on the wiki and the general feedback from this and from emails sent all seem to be positive – Barcamp NYC2 was seen as a success. […]
Digital Ages of a Marketing Director
My second presentation within a week! After only ever doing this type of thing at work, I gave a presentation at barcamp today ‘the digital ages of the modern marketing directory’, a tongue-in-cheek look at the challenges in convincing corporates to market on the web. I gave a quick run through three stereotypes that I […]
remove the shoes!
remove the shoes! Originally uploaded by RachelC. This is a shoeless camp. Remove the shoes and show the socks Tag: barcampnyc2
Half Baked
Social Carnivore Originally uploaded by RachelC. One of the fun sessions this morning was Half-Baked. You’re given 10 minutes to design and plan a new company and then pitch it for prizes. We had mobile trackers, content networks, iPod hiring, recycling and more. The winning entry was Space RocketCelebrity, a social networking, user generated, voting […]
So BarCamp NYC2 has started. Microsoft have opened up their offices for us, the coffee is here, the bagels and muffins are tasty and the first set of sessions have started. Looking at the attendee list, a cool mix of people.
Aphrodite Platform shoes
Aphrodite Platform shoes Originally uploaded by RachelC.
Habeas Corpus
ZeFrank on the death of Habeas Corpus – well worth a watch. As usual, he manages to get to the heart of a matter. the show with zefrank
NextFest Visit
Nextfest is on at the moment in New York and I took a few hours out this morning to wander round. Lots of photos to be uploaded and it’s well worth taking at look at Rocketboom which showcases one of my favourites, the pettable seals. C ute, soft, furry, big eyes, pitiful sounds, you just […]
BarCamp and DRM protest
For people in New York and not going to BarCamp, an alternative is a protest against DRM outside the Apple Store organised by the DefectiveByDesign group. Kicking of a week of activities to raise awareness about DRM. FreeCulture. and DefectiveByDesign will be teaming up to help organize this action outside Apple’s flagship store in New […]
CDX – a Roman game
Whilst in the UK, I ended up playing a BBC game based around their new series on Anccient Rome. The first episode is puzzle based, similar to a locked-room game – find the clues in the right order and work out what you need to do next. Extremly well shot and designed. If you’re in […]
Corporate Blogging Conference
On Monday, I presented at my first conference, a Corporate Blogging Conference run by BFI. It was more by default then anything else, as the organisers were contacted me originally to try and get hold of someone from the Guinness team who worked on their blog. In the end I gave a talk about the […]
Cab rides and planning
I nipped back to London for a couple of days to present at a conference. For my trip back, I’d booked a car to pick me up – my normal behaviour the last few trips has been just to get a yellow cab. With the long wait to get through immigration and then a long […]
White and Nerdy
Al Yankovic’s latest song, White and Nerdy, is all over the blogs, obviously hitting a key demorgraphic. AOL pulled the ‘World Premiere’ as it had been leaked online already – there’s currently 21 entries on YouTube for the same video. By looking at the viral video charts today, 2 of the YouTube versions actually have […]
Moo Cards
Like many others, I’ve been taking a look at Moo cards and their integration with Flickr. Love the idea so I ordered the 10 card offer that is available for Flickr Pro users to give them a go. My current cards are Streetcards, with a Hugh illustration which always get a reaction. The sample set […]
Jeneane ran an interesting experiment today…PhoneCon. It was a test of the scaleability of freeconferencecall.com to see if it really did scale up to 96 users for up to 6 hours. I only managed to get into the last 15 mintues but they were fun, with story telling and songs. The system seemed to work […]
still alive…i think
I’m still here, although a little bit drowning under around 3000 emails to get through, plenty of blog posts to read, lots of illness and stress of trying to move countries. Until I catch up, here’s a meta viral about virals. Saying something similar to what I said over here. There’s even a video version. […]
Boats and Clouds
Boats and Clouds Originally uploaded by RachelC. I’m a little this fortnight. I’m volunteering at the World Rowing Championships, working in the IT section which usually means getting jounalists connected to printers. The place is pretty wired (or wirelessed) up, as long as we can keep it going when all the broadcasters really hit it.
Telling it All – a video diary
YouTube has all sorts. Miming, karaoke, comedy, rants and TV. But here’s something different, life vignettes from Peter, a 78 year widower from the Midlands (that’s England). He started an account with YouTube 6 days ago and has over 2000 subscribers. There’s no theatrics, screaming or posturing, just a man in front of a video […]