While bloggers have a lot more power than ever before, there are still plenty of risk involved with personal publishing. Talk about the best ways to survive this tangled maze. Zoe Margolis Blogger/Author, Girl With a One-Track Mind (this was a conversation, so names not used. each line is a different person commenting in the […]
SXSW – Tony Hsieh and Zappos
At Zappos.com, Tony Hsieh has fostered a culture where extraordinary customer service is the norm. On Saturday, March 14, hear him talk about how good deeds can help you leverage the power of your audience to massively extend your brand. As a preview, you can read this story for a glimpse of a company that […]
SXSW – Is Privacy Dead
While many assert that "privacy is dead," the complex ways in which people try to control access and visibility suggest that it’s just very confused. Rather than throwing the baby out with the bath water, let’s discuss people’s understanding and experiences of privacy and find ways to 2.0-ify it. danah boyd Researcher, Microsoft ResearchJudith Donath […]
Books Jan/Feb 09
A mixed couple of months Sword Song; The Pale Horseman Bernard Cornwall. I love the Sharpe books from Cornwall, Here he turns his focus onto the Dark Ages, to the time of Alfred and the wars between the Saxons and Danes. He brings his customary story telling to these early wars, although not quite with […]
Watchmen Review
I got the chance to see the new Watchmen film today, at a bloggers preview sorted out by those nice people at Paramount and PPC. It was a pretty exclusive gathering, the numbers restricted by the less than 24hours notice and the fact it was at 10.30am. I was lucky in having an understanding boss! […]
CIPR, Non-for-profit and social media
On Thursday evening, the CIPR ran a session for not-for-profit PR types and for bloggers interested in the same, as part of their Fifth Estate activities. The evening was set up casually, with wine and nibbles and a short overview of social media to introduce the topic; the rest of the evening was spent in […]
Notes from BeeBCamp
I was honoured to be invited along to the BBC for their second BeeBCamp, one of a group of external people who came along to, as Philip says ‘to leaven the mix’. Hopefully I contributed something, I definitely learnt a lot. Each session was only about 20mins, not nearly long enough, and many ran over. […]
Google Lattitude and other location services
I use a few location services. Dopplr to record my travels. You can see them all on the MyTravels section of the site Brightkite. Because it is a nice little mobile connection and has connections out but I’m not using it a lot at the moment. It won’t take a feed from Dopplr, but will […]
You’ll have probably seen this a few times, but Twittersheep do a word analysis of the bios of your followers. I saw this when it first came out, but didn’t try it, as they were looking for username and password. They’ve fixed that problem and now you can just add your (or another) username. Then […]
Google and Latitude
Google is confusing me at the moment with its execution of Latitude and its multiple versions. If I type in google.com into the address bar, it defaults to google.co.uk and gives me this for Latitude When I type in google.com/ig (or click on the link to m.google.com provided in the notification emails, it keeps me […]
Twitter: I don’t care
This post has been sitting in draft for nearly 2 weeks now. It’s been added to and written about in different moods and moved around and pondered upon. It may not make cohesive sense but it’s time to bite the bullet and publish!!! Obviously, the blog post title, like the cake, is a lie. I […]
BT My Place
Last night, I was invited along to the launch of a new service from BT – BT MyPlace. Unfortunately, it all got called off with the weather; they’d sensibly decided that it may have been a little difficult to demo a service that would involve us wandering around outside. BT MyPlace is a ‘pocket concierge’ […]
A pyramid of Silicon Stilettos
A pyramid of Silicon Stilettos, originally uploaded by Annie Mole. When I first heard about Silicon Stilettos I was not impressed. For me, and others, the name gave the wrong impression when multiple debates still rage about ‘women in technology’. However, I talked to Zuzanna, the instigator and she convinced me to at least give […]
A 2009 Restaurant Plan
In the 2009 Michelin Guide, there are 8 restaurants in London that newly have a star. A plan was hatched, to visit them all the new ones this year. Chapter One, Bromley British type restaurant with main courses from £16.50 at dinner, I like dishes such as Pressed Rabbit & Foie Gras Terrine, Cranberries, Mushrooms, […]
Books Dec 2008
Kushiel’s Mercy, Jacqueline Carey. This is the last in the second trilogy from Carey, which all, really, have the same plot. A fantasy novel, set in a sort of medieval Europe, they all have the main characters setting out on a journey to save the country, the girl, the boy. You’ll know they’ll get there […]
Radios and Fire Engines
I’ve been digging into some history, of the house and into some of the things hanging around. First up we have an old EKCO radio, with the various choices of Gram, Long, Medium and VHF for wavelength choices. Then we have an old Corgi Simon Snorkel Fire Engine, model 1127. You’ll see quite a few […]
Happy Christmas
Hope you all have a great day.
Inspirational Moments
I love this, from overthinkingit.com. 40 inspirational speeches all cut together. Do you know all the films?
Day 1 Le Web
The first day at Le Web ’08 was a mixed day. The venue is great, as a space, but problems came out of this conference being the first to use the building, from heating that was not working correct, incorrectly positioned wifi that performed poorly and a badly chosen caterer that did not understand the […]
Leadership at the end of the age of information
I’m at LeWeb in Paris, taking notes on some of the talks. Dave Weinberger gave one of his trademark inspirational speeches, all about leadership in a a changing world. I’ve taken live notes, not a strict verbatim copy, but got most of what he says. I fully recommend watching this one when it’s available Are […]