Another new sport – HANDBALL. Which is completely insane. This is like water polo on land – lots of ‘accidental’ collisions and elbows and pushes and all that. A pretty violent sport. And hard work, as they need volunteers to clean the floor every now and again, as the umpire sees a particular damp patch […]
London 2012: the torch relay
Our office is in Southwark and on Thursday 26th July it was perfectly placed for the torch relay. Just after 10am,t he torch was due to go right by the office. Some crowded the windows for an overhead view. Caroline and I decided that we needed a ringside seat. So 45 mins before, we headed […]
London 2012: Olympic Opening Ceremony Rehearsal
I’m still on the reserve list for the Olympic volunteers. I’m not happy about it and I’d rather be taking part, but one compensation I did get was a ticket to the Opening Ceremony Technical Rehearsal the Monday before the games start. This was to be a major test event for the ceremony and for […]
Comparing the census – 1911 vs 2011
I’ve been researching my family history for a lot of years’ starting with trips to London to look up birth, marriage and death certificates and pore over the micofiche of the various censuses (censii???). Today, it’s a lot easier, the national records are all online and I can sit on the couch and do almost […]
Past and Future
It’s the end of one year, the start of a new one. Traditionally time to set New Year resolutions, those vague statements of things that you’re going to change. I decided a few years ago that resolutions are too woolly, too easy to get out of, so I try and set goals, or objectives if […]
What I did this year
I’ve been looking back at this year’s Flickr photos to see what I did this year – and I did a lot. So as a summary and a reminder for myself, here’s my activity for the year. When I put it all together, I think I had a good year for just getting out and […]
Christmas Windows at LeWeb
One thing that LeWeb does is bring you to Paris in December, when there’s lots of Christmas decorations. Along Boulevard Haussman, the department stores compete for your eyeballs with their window decorations. Her’e’s the one that caught my eye – it’s dancing Teddy bears to the sound of Abba.
Le Web 2010
It’s December, that means it’s time for Le Web, the Parisian based tech conference. This is the 7th (I think) running of the conference by Geraldine (and Loic) La Meur, which started off focusing on blogging and has expanded to cover the whole of the tech scene, not just web but mobile connectivity as well. […]
Proud of the BBC
I finally got round to watching this. Love it….buy it!
Google Instant Search Results A-Z
From the UK, here’s the top results for each single letter. It’s interesting what it says about the UK (or is it just my results?). Top online retailers, internet services and TV programmes. Argos BBC Currys Debenhams eBay Facebook Google Maps Hotmail ITV John Lewis KLM Lotto MSN Next O2 PayPal QVC Rightmove Sky Tesco […]
Getting the Olympics
The news comes through, originally uploaded by RachelC. Five years ago, a colleague and I ran down to Trafalgar Square in our lunch break to join the crowds waiting to see if we had been awarded the Olympics. And we had! Here’s the crowd just after the announcement.
Watching Football online
I think STV wins on this, far fewer clicks to get to the content STV (as recommended by Ewan) Go to STV home page Click on ‘live now’ in programme listing Go to page, watch some ads. Start the football The BBC Go to BBC home page Click on ‘what’s playing now’ in programme listing […]
SXSW: Extending your brand, there’s an app for that
Extending your Brand, there’s an App for that. For many, brand extension into the digital realm means a Web site, a banner add, a viral campaign. But applications can extend conversations and perceptions of a brand, as well as add to discussions and ideas in compelling new ways. How can applications help your brand and […]
SXSW 3 days in
It’s the start of my 3rd full day at SXSW and again it’s a completely different experience from all the others. Friday was spent at an off-site event, Tweethouse. Saturday was spent in panels and today there’s going to be a mixture of panels and parties, at least when I get started on the day. […]
January Update
January is over, we’re 1/12 of the way through the year, so time for a monthly update. Gym: I’ve finally activated my corporate gym membership, going consistently through the month, so much so that I’ve unlocked the Gym Rat badge on Foursqure ;-). I’ve been doing a combination of classes and running on treadmills. New […]
Taking Video Games Seriously
A discussion panel held 25 Jan 2010, Westminster Hall (WARNING – Liveblogged at the time, so may not make 100% sense) Chair: Tom Watson; Tom Chatfield, Philip Oliver, Sam Leith Each panellist gave a talk about their position on games, it them moved into a series of statements from floor combined with some questions. Tom […]
Extreme Gaming from Epson
I like this video – I should do as it came from the agency I work at. It’s been fun watching the development process, the highs and lows of defining the scenarios, the legwork in getting the games. I think it turned out well.
FOE: Unboxing the Medium
WARNING: Liveblogged and not checked What counts as “radio†when it comes via podcast rather than over the air? How do we create “television†as the limitations of spectrum scarcity slip away and content is delivered online? Media is determined by conventions that emerge from both technological constraints and cultural practices – the technologies of […]
FOE: Producing Transmedia Experiences: Participation & Play
WARNING: Liveblogged, not checked. While much of the discussion around transmedia tends to focus on the idea of non-linear storytelling, this panel will explore the idea that transmedia experiences — narrative-driven and otherwise — are also characterized by a high degree of audience participation, decision-making and collaboration. As users engage with transmedia narratives, worlds and […]
FOE: The ROI of ROFL: Why Understanding Popular Culture Should Matter to the C-Suite
WARNING: LIVEBLOGGED so not checked. (Also this was a fairly chaotic panel, so not everything captured) Too many corporations outsource their understanding of culture to trend hunters, cool watchers, marketing experts, consulting firms, and, sometimes, teenage interns. The cost is in the billions, for data and insights that often don’t help companies better understand their […]