I was supposed to be doing some biz dev today, but the meeting got cancelled after the other party spent all night playing werewolf (I still don’t see the attraction in that game). I thought I’d try and do something a little bit different and Annie Mole came through via Twitter, after she’d just written […]
Mashed 2008
After my day at Interesting, I jumped on the Tube up to the BBC run Mashed, up at Alexandra Palace. This was a 36 hour or so hacking festival, with people all over the place coding and building new tools, most of which had something to do with a whole load of BBC feeds/API/data that […]
Interesting 08
I spent most of today at Interesting 08, the conference put together by Russell Davies, pulling a whole lot of, well, interesting people together. I had a great, thought-provoking day Here’s some notes on the talks. They ranged from 3 mins to about 20 and covered all sorts of topics. The notes are really just […]
Day of the Figurines
I’m off to Hide and Seek Fest in a fortnight, a London games festival that is taking place over a weekend, with lots of different types of games. However, one of them has already started – the Day of the Figurines You go to the Southbank Centre, sign up, choose your tiny little figure from […]
London Naked Bike Ride
Yesterday, I was planning on going to the Flickr Walk about and then wondering off later to catch pictures of the London Naked Bike Ride where “riders decorate their bodies and bikes with messages of protest against oil dependency and car culture.” I got up late and never really got my stuff together to get […]
public service announcement
public service announcement, originally uploaded by RachelC. These two fine chaps are after a date. But they have a few requirements: 1. Be able to reverse a trailer 2. Be able to rig a single in the dark. 3. Be able to rig an 8 in 20 mins. 4. Know nielson kellerman wiring 5. Remember […]
Books Read in May
I’ve decided to try and track the books I have read. I’m rereading a few of my collection, so a mix of old and new. So here’s May Undiscovered Country, Bill Bryant. An old read, I really enjoy Bryant’s writing and seem to have most of his books. Skin Privilege, Karin Slaughter. Another author I […]
Bbq at the river
Today has been a mixed day. This morning we ran a series of races for the beginner scullers. They seemed to be happy, even the guy who managed to fall in three times. This afternoon i was building a den in the woods with mike’s kids (mike runs the army rowing course i’m hanging around). […]
Posting from scribe
Trying out scribe to post from the phone. So far so good but it could all in wrong when i hit send 😉
Indiana Jones and the Crystal Skull Review
I usually cite Raiders of the Lost Ark as my favourite film and this week has been marked in my calendar for months as the time to see the new Indy film after a 19 year gap. Today I did and I’m still not sure what to think. So more after the cut.
Growing my vegetables
Here’s my veggies on April 13 And here they are on May 13. They’ve all survived, although I needed to put slug killer down, and are growing well. I’ve had a lot of rocket and lettuce todate, the rest I need to wait for. I feel really proud of my little veggies 😉
The Future of Newspapers
Kevin Anderson was speaking on a panel the other day about The Future of Newspapers. Regardless of what else is happening in the industry, if they keep doing things like this, I’m not sure they deserve a future. NML had a conversation with a Daily Mail reporter, which turned into an article about how she, […]
Classic Books I’ve not read
Maryam has a list of books from Library Thing – the list of the most unread books on people’s shelves. It’s actually a dynamic list based on tags, so the current list is not necessarily what she has recorded – but here’s my take on the current list. Bold are the ones I’ve read, italics […]
Game Camp London
Yesterday, the Guardian ran a GameCamp in London, helped a lot by Sony who provided the venue at their 3Rooms building in Shoreditch. By shear co-incidence, there was a Gamecamp in Toronto on the same day, the difference being that the London one was based on the BarCamp premise of a self organising day for […]
Sony and We7
Do we praise Sony for their brave move in making 250000 songs available for free listening on the We7 music site or condemn for making you listen to a 10 second ad before every song? I’m not sure, my first instinct is annoyance and frustration that they still don’t get it. The ratio seems a […]
Barcelona Trip
Last weekend, a friend suggested a trip to Barcelona for a long weekend – some of his friends owned a boat in the harbour there so we could have somewhere to sleep. The boats somewhere in the middle there. Easyjet flights were booked and so I set off for 4 days in Barcelona. I’d visited […]
Forgetting Sarah Marshall
I went to a blogger screening last night of Forgetting Sarah Marshall. This was arranged via Twitter by Sizemore, with about 30 people turning up for the show. The film is made by the same people who did The 40 Year Old Virgin and Knocked Up, 2 films I’ve not seen nor really had the […]
Rick Astley Fans?
The BBC reports from Liverpool St station, where there was a live Rick Mob yesterday. For those who have not seen it, a Rick Roll is where you send someone a link and it goes to Rick Astley’s Never Going to Give You Up. It hit the peak (and maybe jumped the shark) with You […]
Twitter Frustrations
I’m getting really frustrated with Twitter at the moment and it has nothing to do with the service itself but to the explosion in use. Since the start of the month I’ve received 50 new followers, very few of whom I’ve followed back. Some of it, I’m sure, is because I’ve been on the service […]
Over the Air and Torchwood
Yesterday and today I’m at Over the Air, a mobile camp/conference. At some point it seemed a good idea for some friends to make this – Torchwood Sweded. From idea to on the screen in 9 hours. Click To Play