
Rick Astley Fans?

The BBC reports from Liverpool St station, where there was a live Rick Mob yesterday. For those who have not seen it, a Rick Roll is where you send someone a link and it goes to Rick Astley’s Never Going to Give You Up. It hit the peak (and maybe jumped the shark) with You Tube’s appropriation of the meme, where every video link on their home page went to the video.

It was only a matter of time before this was done live and yesterday it happened on a mass scale. Around 400 people turned up all bursting into song at 6pm. But the BBC report is too simplistic, not able to grasp that these are not ‘fans’ of Rick Astley, they are fans of the meme, of the collective action, of coming together with no organisation beyond public websites, performing and going away. The Station Freeze falls into the same bracket. It’s about doing stuff not about being fans of some artist. The BBC article completely fails to grasp that.

Bad video:

One comment on “Rick Astley Fans?

  1. All this proves is that the English – can’t carry a tune…and they have too much time on their collective hands… šŸ˜‰

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