Weeknotes, monthnotes, annual reviews. I’ve tried them all, depending on how bloggy I feel. With its restoration, it’s time to try another favour of diary, so it’s time for QuarterNotes!
But! But! What have I actually done this quarter? Not as much as I could have, I think. As has been my usual, I spent what felt like about half my time at clients in Germany, being in the UK every other week.
- I finally got to go see Hamilton. I’d being keeping an eye on the tickets for a while, tried the last minute lottery on occasion and was prepared to buy one of the expensive tickets if I could get one in my preferred row (the one with the extra legroom). In the end, another opportunity came up, a not so expensive ticket in the very front row. So £75 only, plenty of leg room and really good views of most of the action. You could see the stage and all the action, just not the footwork. Excellent show, and much of the music still sticks in my head – especially as it is actually all available on YouTube. My only disappointment was that it was a downbeat ending, which left you a little flat on leaving

- Another Michelin restaurant, my first for a while, I took in The Goring after my Hamilton visit. I had to try the traditional Eggs Drumkilbo, (reportedly the Queen Mother’s favourite)

- Back to Sheffield the second trip in 4 weeks after my New Year walking trip. this time it was the pre-trip weekend for my Kili trip. Information about kit, the trip, a walk up in the Peaks and most importantly, a chance to meet all but 3 of my fellow adventurers.Â

- Another trip round London for the Winter Run 10k. Definitely my favourite race, this was my 5th time running it.

- A quick pop over to Barcelona for the F1 testing. I missed last year, due to uncertainty about jobs, but took the chance this year to go over for a day, spending it in Red Bull hospitality. A most excellent day, I love just being able to watch cars all day, without it being a race. The following day was spent in the city, having lunch down in the harbour.

- The first trip to Kew this year was also accomplished. Taking advantage of a work from home day, with a quiet sunny afternoon available, I walked along the river to spend a couple of hours in the gardens. I love having membership, it allows you to take advantage of spare hours like this.

An that’s it really for the first 3months of the year. One theatre trip, one restaurant. A couple of trips abroad that weren’t work. And a few miles spent running and walking, as always.