Aug 03

Listings again

The Technorati Popularity list – you can ignore it, love it or hate it for lots of reasons. It’s the equivalent of the All-time greatest hits chart, looking at total number of links over time. But just because Elvis or The Beatles would always be on top of the charts looking at total sales, does not mean they would be on the chart if there was a smaller timescale.

Blogpulse have a daily chart, citing the blogs with the most links on a particular day. Doing a random sample across a number of days, there’s some overlap with the Technorati list (BoingBoing, DailyKos, Engadget), but plenty of variations as well, on Sunday, blogher was at number 3.

BUt we’re still not there. The numbers increase every day, the long tail grows longer and there’s a growing call for a way of doing things differently. Whilst the instigators from Blogher are still discussing it, Jason Calacanis has gone and put his money where his mouth is. He is offering $50,000 in advertsing for a compnay who builds a listing based on what he is after, or $10,000 for an individual. He wants:

  • Regular updates
  • Controlable time slices, with a rolling chart based on a year and on past 30 days
  • Up to 500 entries.

    I’d add another requirement – the ability to slice and dice by category/metadata. That of course would need the categorising data to be collected form the blogs or when blogs are registered with the search services, but I can see the need to be able to assess ‘popularity’ with a niche, ie movie blogs, music blogs etc. But that’s a longer term desire.

    In putting this challenge up, you could argue that Jason is acting in the ‘old model’, or, more likely the ‘male model’. There’s a problem, here’s a solution, throw money at it and get it fixed my way. This is in contrast to the more collaborative, discussion based way I see Mary Hodder’s proposal developing. So is Jason just perpetuating the male domination of the space by making more lists based on popularity? I don’t think so; he’s trying to make what we have (a subjective, measurable analysis) better and is prepared to encourage it.

  • Aug 03

    Volume – Sifry part 2

    David Sifry’s posting yesterday regarding the rate of blog creation got a fair bit of press, with the BBC being quick to pick it up. The free paper the Metro also has it, burt their online version is different to the one in the paper. Online, they talk about a number of blog related firings, as they so in the paper, but the paper adds a curiously out of place quote from Belle De Jour (well, at least I know she’s posting again). Interstingly, no explanation of what a blog is.

    Anyway, Sifry has his second review out today. This is reviewing posting volume – the number of posts added to the web every day; it’s coming in at 10.4 posts a second. So that’s one new blog a second and over 10 new posts a second; the challenge for the search tools is keeping up. The increase is attributed to the rising number of ways to post – IM, email, mobile and straight form other services. Ease of use encourages rapid response, reducing time between thought and it being on the page and out there. That may not always be a good idea, but as we’ve seen from recent events, there are occasions when such rapid response adds value.

    Aug 02


    Ben Metcalfe’s rant about working with people who just don’t ‘get it’ struck a chord.

    I guess it’s unfair to expect that the Internet exists as part of the fundamental fabric of everyone’s life in the same way it does mine. However it’s equally frustrating that concepts such as remixing content, tagsonomies, user generated content, collaborative filtering and so on could not be bought into the debate because most of my fellow participants were unfamiliar with even simple examples of them (eg Flickr). And the few that did viewed them as frivolous follies that would not form mainstream interests and behaviours.

    It’s a absolute fact that most people I discuss these ideas with have no idea what I’m talking about. Showing them the various tools makes them interested, but not yet committed. Slowly, minds are changing, but there are many out there up and down the heirarchy to change.

    However, reading the article immediately bought to mind a cartoon from the Metro that has been put up on my desk since I saw it last week – it just sums up some days.


    Aug 02

    Flickr Ecards

    The Flickr Blog points towards another service that has been developed using their APIs. Charles Coxhead has pulled together an Ecard service, using images published under a Creative Commons licence. At the moment the text search does not work, so you can only send current images but a superb idea to introduce people to your favourite images.

    Aug 02

    New York

    I’m back there next week so intend to do my usual and spend a day or two sightseeing. Time to dig outt he guide book again.

    Aug 02

    Simply Fired

    Simply Hired ,a recruiting/job company have launched a competition, collecting tales of woe from people who have been fired called, obviously, Simply Fired. They’ve lined up an interesting group of judges for the competition most of whome seemed to blog about the site yesterday.

    The winner and guest “will join The Apprentice TV show cast members on a week-long cruise from New York to the Caribbean, stopping at the islands of Puerto Rico, St. Thomas, and Tortola”. I’ve seen this programme occasionally on visits to the US and I’m not 100% sure if I’d call that a Grand Prize :o)

    However, read the Rules. First of all I’m not supposed to be reading the site:

    The following promotion is intended for viewing in the 50 United States and the District of Columbia (the “Eligibility Area”) only. Do not proceed further in this site or these materials if you are not located in the Eligibility Area.

    I guess I’m expected to ignore it now? Then, if I was American and I entered..

    Entrant assigns and transfers to Sponsor all right, title, and interest to the story. Sponsor shall have all rights to copy, edit, broadcast, publish, and use, in whole or in part, any story, and any other intellectual property protected or protectable materials submitted by entrant, in any manner without further compensation during and after the contest period, except where prohibited by law.

    I therefore appear to lose the ability to ever tell the story again. And finally

    The Contest is open to individuals who are 21 years of age or older as of the date of entry, are legal residents of the 50 United States or the District of Columbia, who have valid International travel documents as of the time of contest entry and who have an email account as of the time of contest entry.

    How many people does that make eligible?

    Regardless of the above, I think I may read a few stories.

    Aug 02


    David Sifry is examining the state of the world of blogs again, through his Technorati tracking. In the first of a few articles he looks at the creation rate of blogs, the numbers of which seems to be growing exponentially and doubling every 5 months. The key figure for me (as for him) is the seemingly consistent 55% activity rate, that is 55% of blogs created are active.

    I’d like to see a breakdown of that 45% drop off, which services providers have the greater numbers? I would not be surprised to see that there were higher abandonments in the ready-to-wear variety of blogs, the sign up and you’re there Bloger, Livejournal, MSN Spaces etc. Low cost of entry means less investment, so less incentive to stay. The same factors that are encouraging the growth also mean that people don’t stick to it. Looking at the results of the MIT blog survey, 20% of respondents said that the blog was created a a journal of their life. A personal diary. So like any personal diaries some will fall by the wayside, to be embarassingly discovered in a future moment.

    Aug 02


    Flickr have launched a great new feature, an interestingness page, a place where you can easily explore far more photos than you did before. And there are some amazing images. Another great way to spend those timeouts at work. I can see my contacts and favourites list growing.

    Aug 01

    BBC Continues to Educate

    I see that the BBC’s Chris Moyles has leapt to the top of the Apple download chart, becoming one of the fastest selling podcasts of 2005 (sorry, been listening to too many chart shows). Ten hours after release, it topped the list of most subscribed; not sure if it’s there now as the list is not on the web and, owning a Creative MP3 player instead of an iPod never got round to updating iTunes. I now have the funny picture in my head of lots of American’s donwloading Moylsy and not understanding a word he says or, if they do, just not quite getting it.

    For me though, the success of the show is not the only intersting thing about the story. Look what else the BBC has on that page. A clear description of podcasting (without a refernece to iPods). The RSS orange button and a link to an explanation of what is RSS. Finally, links to both a listing of the BBC shows currently in the podcast trial and to the BBC Collective Podcast feature. The Collective is a subsite, looking at trends in entertainment. Let’s hope it does not go the same was as the Cult sites.

    The BBC continues to act as an educator, an authority of where things are going. Many people will not change, are slow to adopt, but if Aunty says it’s good, then it has to be.

    Aug 01

    Talk Digger

    TalkDigger is a new tool from Frederick Giasson which should provide some help in the currecnt debate about which blog search tool is providing better results. In fact, its development appears to have been driven by the debate.

    Then some weeks ago I asked myself that question: why don’t you build an application to query all these search engines for you, displaying the results and some statistics of these queries. Then I started to develop Talk Digger. I also noticed that Robert Scoble was in a mood of comparing different search results from the major blogging search engines like Bloglines and Technorati. Then I told myself that such a service could also interest other people. This is the reason why I developed it as a web service: to enable other people to use it and benefit from it. Then Talk Digger was born.

    Put in a URL (it’s designed to work with a URL rather than a search term) and it works across 9 search tools and returns the numbers of found links. The results listing takes you to the service direct to trawl the findings. It also includes trending information to track popularity of search, useful if you are trtacking specific searches. A pretty useful tool to add to the set.