Mobile Tech meetup

Just more gear

Originally uploaded by RachelC.

Another thing I went to on Monday was the Mobile Tech Roundup Meetup, where a gaggle (or another collective noun for the 3 hosts) of mobile podcasters got to meet each other in new York instead of always being in different cities.

Despite a lack of air conditioning, about 10 turned up to chat and look at some cool gadgets. Not being completely au fait with all the names, makes and models i never the less saw somethings I liked, such as the Motorola Q – fe;lt great, light and thin but crap battery life of about 4 hours by the sound of it. The tiny Sony Vaio was good and so was the pictured set up , with EVDO being used to network the device to a we were watching the ABC TV channel. Testing the download speeds I learnt that it is always good to straighten out the USB wire, as the speed increased from around 500 kbps to over 900 kbps.

And it’s brilliant news to hear that the Slingbox is finally available in the UK.

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