TalkDigger is a new tool from Frederick Giasson which should provide some help in the currecnt debate about which blog search tool is providing better results. In fact, its development appears to have been driven by the debate.
Then some weeks ago I asked myself that question: why don’t you build an application to query all these search engines for you, displaying the results and some statistics of these queries. Then I started to develop Talk Digger. I also noticed that Robert Scoble was in a mood of comparing different search results from the major blogging search engines like Bloglines and Technorati. Then I told myself that such a service could also interest other people. This is the reason why I developed it as a web service: to enable other people to use it and benefit from it. Then Talk Digger was born.
Put in a URL (it’s designed to work with a URL rather than a search term) and it works across 9 search tools and returns the numbers of found links. The results listing takes you to the service direct to trawl the findings. It also includes trending information to track popularity of search, useful if you are trtacking specific searches. A pretty useful tool to add to the set.
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