Finally got home after a not too bad trip. It was great to land early, and then spend the 20 minutes we’d gained wiating for somewhere to park the plane. Went along to a good very pleasant breakfast meet this morning, meeting even more new people. The photos of the breakfast, plus my wander around […]
Dave Weinberger – reboot7
The Natural Shape of Knowledge He’s startng off looking at the history of (Western) knowledge, where knowledge was of the real world, when Aristotle was setting out the standard. Classigfication, to order knoweldge started at this point, when orgnaisation was thought about in physical terms. “principles of organisation mirror the limitations of the physical” ie […]
Lee Bryant – Reboot 7
Comments on social tagging This talk is about some possible future developments for social tagging. 1. User-organised news. Working with user-tagged BBC news stories, linking to external sites, user-driven related stories. This works through Backstage, allowing people to do things with the BBC content. Tagging works in a similar way to Flickr tagging, allowing you […]
Skype: Malthe Sigurdsson – reboot
“An application you use to talk through the internet. For free. Forever” (or at least until the next thing arrives!) It’s about enhacing comms, not just replacing. They call it a small big company, with around 160 people in 15 countries. They use a wiki for company knowledge They want to maintain diversity, avoiding white […]
Cory Doctorow – reboot7
Most of this is direct notes. Cory is talking about the European Broadcast Flag. A comnparison of CD with DVDs. CD have driven value creation, with the music being taken and being used in multiple ways; DVDs – all you can do is watch them, there is no new things that can be done with […]
Reboot7 Day 2
Another day that is going to be filled with random notes and interpretations from the talks. Another long and busy day is planned.
Jason Fried – reboot7
Notes on “How to do great things with small teams” So you appear to need people passionate and happy, well rounded, quick learner, trustworthy and a good writer, so he’ll take someone who is average and happy instead of brilliant and disgruntled. Small has big advantages: customner is closer, so less formal, less mass, less […]
sharing- reboot7
this post from Michael Heileman captures one of the underlying themes here. It is a hivemind, with multiple shared comms routes
Science Commons – reboot7
Paula Le Dieu is talking about Science Commons, a new area from the people behind the Creative Commmons licences. This is starting to look at getting scientific data out in the open. Using the example of p53, a gene theat is associated with cancer and other diseases. But cancer research and cures is lucrative to […]
Wikipedia – Reboot7
More notes and interpretations. For more stuff, try Technorati, which is pulling up lots of stuff from people here. The afternoon keynote is from Jimbo Wales, from Wikipedia “feeely licensed encyclopedia”. The system is expanding to more than jus thte encyclopedia, covering dictionares, books, news etc. 500 million page views monthly. Wikipedia is almost all […]
questions – reboot7
Here at my first conference, I can see why having a lineup at microphones so annoys people. The enrgy in the speakinbg sessions is down and interaction is constrained – how many people want to get up and line up at a mike. In the open sessions, conversations and questions flow a lot more.
Designing for Play – reboot7
Ben Cerverny is now up talking about designing for play. Here’s my interpretation of what he is saying. In many species, play is being used to drive the ‘grammar’ of interactions, to set boundaries for interactions, put some order around the chaos that is out there. We use play to make sense of the world […]
The new cult
Blogging is a faith that drives a cult. A cult that may lead to the truth. So says Jason Calacanis talking about colaborative consumer journalism, where a small pebble can gather enough momentum to cause an avalanche. A journalist may never have the time and the resources to follow the small stories, they are in […]
reboot7.0 day 1
First day of the conference and listening tothe first 2 speeches – from Doc Searls and Robert Scoble, followed by a short (very short) Q&A session. Very different styles of presentation. The first was from a slideslow, the second from some written otes and very much winging it. But both valuable. Both about conversations, the […]
I’ve seen some funny things on the breakfast table but at the hotel this morning they were offering sliced carrots. I could face them later in the day for a healthy snack…but not at breakfast. Apparently they are quite common on buffets here.
Thought about putting wonderful, wonderful Copenhagen as a title but as it’s so much of a cliche that it’s even the theme of the official welcome notice at the airport, I decided not to. I finally got here after a slightly delayed flight to find a city that really reminds me of Amsterdam, enough so […]
Bloglines has added an Ask Jeeves logo in the top right corner. Unfortunately, everytime I glimpse it out of the corner of my eye, it looks like a snail
Size doesn’t matter
Google has, apparently, become quite big.
Nick Swann last night gave me his elevator pitch for a site he has just launched – He did a great job against my constant heckling. He suggested I take a look at it and feed back any comments. Considering I’m in test mode at the moment and seem to spend a fair few […]
Geek Dinner part 2
I’m not that more awake than I was last night, but at least it’s daylight First of all one observation I must make about these types of dinners, there’s an advantage that is especially obvious when in a private room: there are no queues to go to the ladies. According to the sign up sheet, […]