Mar 9th through to Mar 15th
Behind, behind, behind. I do so much typing at work I get home and I do nothing but read. Input vs output. What is best. So what was I reading?
- Social Media Sustainability Index – a look at how big companies are using their social media presence to communicate their sustainability credentials. The challenge is how you communicate a complex and intertwined set of initiatives using platforms that are, by the nature, usually a place for short attention spans
- Engagement Rate – a metric you can count on.. An argument from Social Bakers, one of the leading social metrics companies, about how their Engagement Metric is one you should consider. The word engagement is used extensively and different people use different meanings but a RATIO is far more useful than the raw numbers from Facebook
- The difference between strategy and tactics. by Jeremiah Owyang. For many a difficult thing to get. As I’m currently looking for a new strategist, a pertinent question.
- Why the Comms Agency Model is Ripe for disruption by Drew Benvie. Perfectly placed as Drew launched his new agency, but valid questions to ask
- The science of Junk Food Lovely long read in the NYT on how junk food takes a lot of science to get right.
- I went to see a screening of Red Dawn. You can read all about it in the earlier blog post.
- We offered a job to our new Comms team member, who was very happy to be coming to join us!
- I spoke at the Social Media Leadership Forum, at the launch of a report on the Brand Voice in the Social Era
- and the F1 season finally started at the end of the week π