Little Brother

I popped along to Forbidden Planet today to a book signing by Cory Doctorow, his first in the UK according to the announcer in the shop. It was to buy a copy of Little Brother, a book I’d already read via the free pdf download he provided on the release of hte book in the US, but I enjoyed it so much it was one i had to buy. Thanks to Danie for promoting the signig so I knew about it.

Cory Doctorow and Little Brother (photo by me)
Cory Doctorow and Little Brother (photo by me)

At the same time, I also picked up a copy of Zoe’s Tale from John Scalzi. As with Cory, this is another author I started to read via free books, this time Old Man’s War which was available at Tor. I started reading his blog from there and am definitely looking forward to reading this (Hello John, if you pop by due to the law of Invocation)

One thought on “Little Brother

  1. Glad you came down – we were delighted to have Cory in signing for us and it good to see Twitter-marketing at work!

    I’d say ‘hope you enjoy the book’ – but you know I don;t need to 🙂

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