
Ethical Hacking course

The Register has an article about the University of Abertay’s Ethical Hacking course. I’m guessing one of the entrance requirements must be to hack their website to find the course guidelines…as I can’t find it in either this year’s or next year’s courses

Update: from Professor MacKinnon’s comment, this lack was an oversite and is being updated. cheers Lachlan.

One comment on “Ethical Hacking course

  1. Rachel is quite right, a slight case of left and right hands not coordinating. Our recruitment office are responsible for the information on courses on the website and had been left out of the loop on the publicising of the new course, so hadn’t released the information for the website. It should all be visible from 3 p.m. today, and I hope the glitch hasn’t put anyone off!! Obviously those who have already hacked in to the protected area on our website and collected the information on the degree will be on our lists!!



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