Jul 02

Live8 Feeds

Watching Live8 in London on the BBC, U2 finished and Coldplay on at the moment. I thought to try and get the sound going through the PC, which has a far better system than the telly, but nothing is synching. BBC Radio is about 10secs behind and the AOL webcast is about 30 seconds behind. Now the obvious thing to do is re-arrange the connections so everything works together, but me, wires and moving furniture do not go well together.

The march continues in Edinburgh, Technorati continues to gather posts (of all opinions). The Live8insider blog have some great backstage photos, plus exclusive Tshirts to win…

Andrew Marr being interviewed..”you used to have movements, now you have moments”. So is all this technology making these multiple moments, captured with cameraphones, text messages and blogs into a longer term movement. Or is does life continue to accelerate, with many seeing their momentary interaction as enough.

Jul 01

Be a trailer star

New Line Cinema have added a twist to the promotion of one of their new films (Wedding Crasher), they provide you with a great tool to add yourself to the trailer of the movie. You upload a digital headshot of you (or your friend), do a little but of manipulation and then it takes the headshot and imposes it on one of the characters in the trailer. Nicely, you’re allowed to set it up and see the result before they ask for your email address, which is then used to send you a link for you to forward to all your friends. A great Friday funny. Via Adrants.

Jul 01


Via Global Voices Online a slightly different perspective on Live8. A Kenyan blogger at Thinker’s Room
wonders why such a concert should be held and the benefit of it:

Meaningless concerts and laughable commissions are not going to fight any poverty. Even dubiously benevolent concessions like debt cancellation are meaningless in themselves. It is utterly meaningless to cancel my debt if you do not allow me to earn money. Let us both compete fairly on the International market. Your farmers are already enjoying considerable technological advantages — they do not need subsidies. Don’t wax lyrical about debt relief if without avenues for me earning my own money I shall promptly be in debt again.


More opinions on Live8