Halloween Time Virals

A couple of ‘virals’ have come through the mailing list over the last few days. The first, from Capri-sun, is fun, but found in a very confusing site. It ‘supports’ the new drink made from Blood Oranges and is claled Guffy the Ghost. Use you mouse, click a lot, kill lots of pumpkin headed vampires and win an iPod. The main Big, Flat and Twisted site is very confusing to me. There’s a lot of little fun games, a sign up for more information, a few commercials and a solicitation to send in your stuff – what for, I’m not sure. Can’t see anything on the site curently, it looks like it dissappears into a black hole – a rather flat attempt at UGC, it sounds like somebody had this idea and just thought that by sticking a lin they’d get a content.


The second is a very nicely done AI type experience – Ask the Spirits. A viral with an age check (they ask that you are over 15) you get to question the spirits via a ouija board. It’s apparently got some learning behind it, tracking common questions and getting answers added to it. At the moment it seems to like the answer doctor, which it gave me as an answer to its favourite dance and to the name of the boyfriend of Andrew, my guest spirit of the day. Noce flash, a few scary moments – I like this one.


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