London Events

There’s a few events in London this week.

Monday: First is Mobile Monday, the local chapter of what appears to a growing global series of meetings. There’s another get together as well, the London 2.0 Meetup

Tuesday: another mobile meetup – Swedish Beers. This is less formal than Monday, with no panel or Q&A; a good networking event.

Wednesday: There’s a geek dinner with Dave Teton. There’s also a Blogging Demystified event with some of London’s top bloggers being run at the Apple Store.

Thursday seems to be quiet and then Friday has a talk by Ciarán O’Riordan on Software Patents, Copyright Laws, and Open Source Software

Before all of that, this weekend there’s the annual Boat Race, which usually brings out some interesting advertisements…such as this one in today’s Evening Standard. Regardless of the ads, there’s good photo ops along the banks.


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