With Firefox now allowing you to open the browser with the same tabs it closed down with by default, I’ve been looking for a way to synchronise open tabs across 2 or more PCs. So that where ever I am, i can have the same set of open tabs. There’s a number of ways to share bookmarks across instances of the browser but not your current tab set, as opposed to the tabs you set as home. I want to be able to set it up once and that is it. No having to remember to click things, it just does the saving for me when I close.
Hi Rachel
Google Browser Sync does exactly this. š
Hope this helps.
thankyou! I knew there had to something out there š It was just finding it. Once I’ve installed it on the machines, let’s hope it’s worth giving google even more of my life than it has already.
Hi Rachel
Glad it works, although it is one more thing we give to Google. š