It’s all on the internet

‘It’s all on the internet’ – my comment to my brother-in-law who was trying to fix a driver problem, get firewall/antivirus applications (at last!) and find a CD ripper. At this point my frustration came through as I dictated various names for him to go and find. It looks like they are going to be buying a new PC anyway – but are going to wait until I’m visiting before they make the purchase.

Apart from the odd support call from family I had a very quiet blogging weekend – I have a whole load of stuff I was goign to post, but ended up playing Resident Evil 4 instead. No idea why, I’m unbelievably poor at these games, but it was ‘fun’ despite the huge number of times I got killed in the game. The walkthroughs are always essential for me to get anywhere, but why can’t they make a really easy version without any of these ‘boss’ attacks. One weekend and I’m less than a quarter of the way through it – a long way to go.

One thought on “It’s all on the internet

  1. The only fun I usually get out of such games it to try and trick the game like drive into the forrest with a driving game or land and drive on a street in MS Flight Simulator. 🙂

    Ni’more of the bejeweled-kind’cole