
I’ve been looking at a couple of sites that have been designed to support people trying to keep to their New Years Resolutions.

The first is from Boots the Chemist, with its Change One Thing programme. They have hints and tips in six categories; the whole campaign is backed up with heavy instore promotion, tying in products with the different programmes. From a store perpsective, there’s some interesting matches, as one I’ve seen ties in condoms into the de-stress programme. On the website, you can sign up for supporting emails and text messages to support your journey – it allows you to set goals and reminders.

The second is from Diet Coke. This is far more ‘fun’ focused than Boots, with a resolution generator and a lot of stuff about reseearch showing that people are far more likely to stick to small changes for resolutions than large ones. The campaign appears to be heavily driven by press and TV. Again you can sign up for emails to keep you motivated. But in this case it’s not the pull marketing of Boots, where you get messages that you set on the days you define, but push marketing, where you are signing up for their suggestions plus adding yourself to their database for future random emails about games and stuff.

Two different approaches capitalising on the New Year mind. I think I prefer the boots and not the campaign that names its character after a type of law.

Update: If you want to send yourself reminders to do things, try, where you can set it up to send you emails at set periods to remind you to do things

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