Happy New Year

A Happy 2006 to everyone. A traditional time to take stock, looking backwards to what has been and forwards to what may be. To make resolutions about how things are going to be different next year, how you’ll improve your life or try and improve the lives of others. Technorati are asking people to tag resolution posts with
and you can see the results here. A whole load of people wanting to do something different., although losing weight and getting fit is definitely a common theme ;o)

In my case, I’m definitely going to be doing something different and my resolution is to make a success of it. After over 14 years with the same company, I’m going to be leaving. My intention is to do freelance project management, starting off with doing some work for the Big Blog Company in implementation of blogs, after that, anything is possible. I’ve still got two months to set everything up (it’s a very long notice period) but after that I can see the year bringing losts of challenges. But it’s going to be a fun ride.

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